Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Much Money Can Pay To A Barista

'What' or 'What'? Lost Accents

Cesar Rodriguez, the school language teacher Salesians of Linares (Jaén) sends us a picture without correction. For what do you think? What does it really mean? "This is a 'what' interrogative or a 'that' combination?

As indicated by Caesar in the mail that refers to Accents Lost, "which can make an accent ..."
Lost Accents

Monday, March 1, 2010

Authentic Football Jerseys Run Big

From Spain we want to encourage our fans to participate in
I Virtual Congress organized by the Language Given the disaster that has caused nature in Chile and not let us lay aside for it, Babelia has decided to extend the special that began publishing on the blog on the V International Congress of the English Language in Valparaiso, and pay tribute to Chile, America and the English language with a virtual Congress.

Greetings to all.