Friday, September 24, 2010

Ear Force X1 Hdmi Setup


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call on the movements and autonomous organizations of indigenous people, nomads, farmers, fishermen, workers, women, youth, teachers, students, residents, social activists, animal advocates, ecologists, environmentalists, professionals, retirees, scholars, scientists and citizens in general, to participate in the Klimaforum10, to be held in Cancun - Puerto Morelos, Mexico, from 26 November to 11 December 2010, parallel to the holding of the COP-16 UN.
This year we are witnessing new extreme manifestations of climate disasters such as floods in Pakistan that have killed thousands of people, displacing over 20 million; China, killing 3,400 people in one day and more than 12 million people have lost their homes, 17 countries saw their peak temperatures historical, the heat wave and forest fires in Russia, where last July documented after 130 years of records, historical highs, on 5 August a NASA satellite detected a mass of ice broke away from the Petermann glacier, the northern Greenland is the biggest loss suffered by the Arctic in 50 years. In Mexico there has been massive flooding in over 10 states as well as the disastrous aftermath of Hurricane Alex in Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, which confirm the growing trend towards more extreme weather events.
for many years convinced of the seriousness of climate change and the lack of results from the summits government address this problem, and very special guests in 2009 by the Danish Board of Klimaforum09 to provide continuity Copenhagen this successful initiative, social movements based Mexican environmentalist decided to organize a summit independently, without government or corporate influence, in parallel with the COP-16 UN. The social movements of the base called by the provision in Cancun Klimaforum10 a space open to all, where they can meet, discuss and find consensus constructive responses to international action on climate catastrophe, a space to leave enriched society. Before the summit, where governments fail, people move.
· strengthen the global movement for climate justice.
· evaluate and influence the decisions of the COP-16 in Cancun.
· rapprochement, understanding and agreement between the movements of the social and autonomous organizations face in the world climate disaster.
· make visible and give impetus to constructive proposals on climate change.
· provide a space for closer solidarity, complementarity and reciprocity.
· offer the lowest cost of a decent space with minimal ecological footprint Klimaforum10 assistant.
· inspire a new way of doing low footprint forums serve as a reference for future summits.
Participants may propose the organization of lectures, workshops, roundtables, seminars, forums, assemblies, meetings, international conferences, cultural events in the Klimaforum10, acts in the form of self called through the record of these initiatives website or with the Secretary of Klimaforum10 be managed by the Organizing Committee before scheduling more convenient for the parties.
Pacifism; Demilitarization; Deglobalization; Global Democracy ...
Peak Oil; radical reduction energy consumption, renewable energy.
WATER spiritual dimension, ecological and social water Desertification; Privatization of water.
eliminate the consumption of animal products; Traffic species Rejection of transgenic .
"Market mechanisms are adequate? REDD, REDD +; Conservation forests, coral reefs and mangroves.
restructure agriculture, fisheries, livestock, FARMS
La Via Campesina; removal of large paddocks, stables , fish farms and industrialized Relocation of production and consumption; Refusal to patent seeds and ways of life.
Discourage car use and transport in general, unpaved, diversification of land use; Autonomy neighborhoods and suburbs.
MINIMIZE WASTE radical reduction of packaging; eliminate disposable packaging, relocation of the treatment and waste collection.
ECONOMIC descreces Ecology
over the economy, elimination of national economic growth rates and GDP repudiate the Free Trade, Stop the consumer society and the paradigm of slave labor.
recognition of the historic debt; brake the plundering of the Global South; Court climate justice, rights of Mother Earth.
strengthen networks of ecological communities, encourage food sovereignty, leaving the oil and metals under land, local autonomy, redistribute wealth and labor, cooperatives for the survival of the most vulnerable.
CULTURES knowledge, languages \u200b\u200band traditions, local solutions to local problems.
Market mechanisms: carbon credits, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD, REDD +, REDD + +); ...
Here are some suggested topics, participants can record additional tracks, the
programming will be confirmed by email and announced online.
spaces for activities
· stores will be taken capacity of no more than 50 people, with the aim of promoting broad participation of attendees in discussions and proposals to create diversity.
· will larger spaces for conferences and plenary sessions.
· will also tents available for
activities of institutions, organizations or groups who choose to book them for your specific application. Place
An atmosphere in communion with nature, a safe, beautiful, away from the urban concept, consumer, located in the path of the cenotes in Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo , just 15 minutes from COP-16 and 30 minutes from Cancun. Read more ...
few steps away from the center of activities is the Global Ecovillage, which includes:
space camp to house about 2,500 people.
· Services with dry toilets, showers with a low environmental impact, health care and internet.
· Vegetarian and vegan.
· Free admission to all activities Klimaforum10.
For more information about the Global Ecovillage
and ensure space visit our website. Minimizing footprint
Most summits to date are dependent upon the services of hotels, restaurants, taxis and trucks while facing the current paradigm would inconsistent for a summit that aims to alleviate the climate problems follow this same course of action, especially considering the size of the footprint of an event of this magnitude causes, so we have sought the best means at our disposal to minimize our footprint organic. Among them dynamically ventilated tents, dry toilets, recycling systems, our policy of packaging space and free of ads or products multinationals, mostly vegetarian diet and the ability to thousands of people camping just steps from downtown activities, avoiding unnecessary transport or emissions. But this is only a fraction of what we can create together, we need the cooperation of all to ensure the good performance of Klimaforum10.
The Klimaforum10 has faced major obstacles to reach its conclusion, since it formed its first committee Promoter on 2 February 2010, with representatives of small organizations in Mexico. Is a genuine political expression of the Mexican social base, a struggle that defends the voice of the people in the conservation of nature. In the month of September was notarized Civil Association Klimaforum Mexico AC in order to make transparent the funds received and used. At the same event, created the Organizing Committee
of Klimaforum10.
KF10 The Organizing Committee wanted to make this forum with full political autonomy with the help of small organizations in the social base and therefore is not funded by governments large corporate enterprises or NGOs which often impose their hidden agendas. hope, guys that understand the major economic constraints we are working and are willing to cover the costs of organizing the Summit of the Peoples Climátca the entrance fee $ 5 day the vistitantes.
In case of economic surplus, they will go to environmental projects, which will be selected by the participants through a democratic general assembly on 11 December. The outlines of this meeting will be agreed through discussion during the event.
Stabilizing climate is essential for the survival of all species on Earth, it is a matter of intergenerational justice. People of all types should unite to demand effective solutions that preserve life on Earth. We, the people, we have the need and capacity to resolve these issues with understanding, solidarity and perseverance. We are able to create a different world!
For more information on Klimaforum10, updates, volunteer, fees, visas and others please go to the website:
Change the system - not the weather!

September 19, 2010
Adriana Matalonga, Eugenio Cabrera, Gabriela de la Vega, Jorge Lopez, Kareen Kohn, Lucrecia Noemi Mazadiego, Miguel Angel Rosas, Miguel Valencia, Raquel Rodriguez Pliego and Pedro
Secretariat: tel: +52 55 53953801 (9am - 3pm Mexico City GMT-6h)
International: Valérie Parent
skype: klimaforum10 Ibero-America: Ricardo Guzman
skype: klimaforum10mx Other tel.: +52 (55) from 5395 to 7336, 5212-1886, 5540-7866, 5553-2340


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