Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Update pedagogy before the world changed

Update pedagogy before the world changed
Leonardo Boff *


Centuries wars, conflicts, struggles and conflicts between peoples of class we are leaving a bitter lesson. The primary and reductionist approach has not made us more human, nor are we closer to each other, let alone brought us the much desired peace. We live in a permanent state of siege and full of fear. We have reached a historical stage, in the words of the Earth Charter, "calls us to a new beginning." This requires a pedagogy based on a new awareness and an inclusive vision of the economic, social, cultural and spiritual challenge us.

This new awareness, resulting from globalization, the earth sciences and life and the ecology is showing us a path forward, understanding that all things are interdependent and that even the opposition are out and open a dynamic whole. Therefore, integration can not be separated but include rather than exclude, to recognize, yes, the differences, but also seek convergence, and instead of win-lose, look for win-win.

This holistic perspective is influencing the educational process. We have an unforgettable teacher, Paulo Freire, who taught us the dialectic of inclusion and put "and" where before we put "or". We must learn to say 'yes' to everything that makes us grow in the small and big.

Fray Clodovis Boff accumulated extensive experience working with the poor in Acre and Rio de Janeiro. In line with Paulo Freire gave us a book that has become a classic: Working with the people . And now, given the challenges of the new state of the world, has developed a small decalogue of what could be a new pedagogy. Transcribe and worth considering, because it can help us a lot.

"1. If the process of awareness, the awakening of critical awareness and use of analytical reason (Head). But also the sensible reason (heart) where values \u200b\u200bare rooted and where they feed the imagination and all utopias.

2. Yes to 'collective subject' or social, the 'we' creator of history ("no free to anyone, we free ourselves together '). But also to the subjectivity of each, the 'I biography', the 'individual subject' with its references and dreams.

3. Yes to 'political practice', transforming the structures and generating new social relations, a new 'system'. And yes also to 'cultural practice' (symbolic, artistic and religious), 'transfiguring' the world and creating new meanings or simply a new 'life world'.

4. Yes to action 'macro' or company (including the 'revolutionary action'), which acts on the structures. But also to action 'micro', local and community ('molecular revolution') as the basis and starting point of the structural process.

5. Yes to the articulation of social forces in the form of 'unifying structures' and centralized. But also to the joint in 'red', in which a decentralized action, each node becomes the center of creation, initiatives and interventions.

6. Yes to 'critical' of the mechanisms of oppression, injustice and reporting of the 'negative work'. But also to proposals 'alternative' positive actions that establish the 'new' and announce a different future.

7. Yes to 'historical project', the 'political program' specifically pointing to a 'new society'. But also to the 'utopian', dreams of 'creative imagination', in search of a different life, in short, 'a new world. "

8. Yes to 'fight', to work, the effort to make progress, yes to the seriousness of the commitment. And yes also to the 'free' as manifested in the game, in time free, or simply the joy of living.

9. Yes, the ideal of being 'citizen' to be 'militant' and 'fighter', yes to giving ourselves full of enthusiasm and courage to the cause of the humanization of the world. But yes to the figure of the 'animator', the 'partner', the 'friend', in simple terms, yes the one who is rich in humanity, freedom and love.

10. Yes to a concept 'analytic' and scientific society and economic structures and policies. But also the vision 'systemic' and 'holistic' of reality, seen as a living whole, dialectically integrated in its various dimensions: personal, gender, social, ecological, planetary, cosmic and transcendent. "

[In Koinonia Services].

* theologian, philosopher and writer

Source: .br / site / noticia.asp? lang = EN & cod = 51396


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