Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Drain Swollen Finger

Joker "You have to connect the environmental crisis with the crisis of care "

Smith, coordinator for Ecologists in Action
Yayo Interview

"You have to connect the environmental crisis with the crisis of care"
Soraya Gonzalez Guerrero

The Fourth Congress of Ecologists in Action at the beginning of December, brought together over 250 representatives . Herrero presents some strategic lines of a confederation that is ten years.

DIAGONAL: The Congress adopted two lines: the decline and ecofeminism. Two responses to the global crisis we are living (and who bear years forecasting), what key contributors to understand and change a life model predator?

YAYO HERRERO: The financial crisis which we live is both an economic, ecological and social. It has to do with culture, in the form of being in the world. The decrease proposes abandoning the logic of growth, unlimited extraction of materials and waste generation. We find very interesting concept because it is covered for many struggles that we developed around transport, GM, waste ... But we know that is complicated when the response is being given to the crisis is to keep running forward, when you are doing massive layoffs. It is complicated because it breaks with a very settled in the collective imagination: the system only works when it grows. Ecofeminism for linking the environmental crisis with the crisis of care, placing care at the heart of the struggle. This is a topic too worked in the organization. Therefore, intervention in the Congress Amaia Pérez Orozco [economist and feminist], which was brilliant, opened many doors. The challenge now is to integrate the decrease and ecofeminism in the various commissions and land these concepts into concrete proposals.

D.: The concept of 'Decline' sparked controversy ...

YH: In general, the proposal has been welcomed, but it is true that there has been criticism of the term, though not the actual idea. Some people criticize that it is a confusing concept and can generate rejection, and reduction is better to speak without using the term decline. The campaign we launched, "Living More With Less", uses a slogan that is specifically intended that all people feel recognized organization.

D.: One of the hallmarks of EEA is the autonomy of committees and federal groups. How do you manage that diversity and coordination unit in proposals that have been thorny issues such as biofuels?

YH: In these times when the fights are so divided, that we take ten years is something to be pampered a lot. In EEA-conservation groups are advocating the nearest land, "strictly political groups, women and men ... There are a variety of views about the ecology and living together is necessary to enable a culture of consensus. The issue of agrofuels has led us a whole year. There were endless meetings to bring positions and until they reached a position to make everyone feel recognized not adopted a position paper. But sometimes the conflict has prompted some groups to abandon the Confederacy, as in Extremadura, where there was a mediation process for a year ran out. Conflict resolution is rather well established in the organization. For this we have conducted construction workshops collective ideas of how to build horizontal relationships. And this is a line also supported by the Congress of Valencia. Another challenge that we have proposed is to increase the participation of women in the Secretariat, that is a minority in spite of the effort. For that we must overcome the logic of aggression in the discussions, be aware that as important as is possible manifest an organization where diversity lives together.

D.: Conectáis environmental protection with social justice and holistic approach have been integrating new themes and lines of work, what outstanding examples of your six years in SEA?

YH: On the issue of GMOs, the focus is now more integrated, joined GM with food sovereignty and the demands of groups such as Via Campesina. Recurred in Congress support the new initiatives of social economy, as consumer cooperatives. Climate change is connected with poverty (with concepts such as 'ecological debt') mobility and transport. It is also very successful bonding of the financial crisis with the energy crisis. And highlight local mobilization through platforms such as Refinery No, the movement against thermal, nuclear facilities or high-speed train in different territories.


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