Friday, November 12, 2010

Body Piercing Course Brisbane

growth and reconnect to life

10 points for growth and reconnect to life
October 29, 2010

Stefano Puddu

Translated by Eduard Folch for Magazine

A premise

The decrease, rather than a new theory, is an impressive name to signal the need for change. The information used has been known for some time, which provides such time, is an overview, a space of convergence, as a large watershed that includes ideas and practices "alternatives." The decrease brings together knowledge and perspectives that are the legacy of social movements and cultural, spiritual and diverse religious: the women's movement and, in general, emancipation movements, movements for peace, civil rights, nonviolence, the environmental movement, working for the protection and recovery of biodiversity and socio-cultural, but also an integrated view of reality and life, the movements "alter-globalization", which is opposed to the worldwide export domain structure, which is both economic, technological and mental, where the hierarchy, control and impose their competition above all else, these voices propose an alternative way to share the mosaic of diversity and make-network covering the world based on equity exchanges and cooperation skills to the enormous challenges that human societies have to face in coming decades.

So on the one hand, there is a need to get out of a set of addictions that are "debts" and the other, he proposed to restore a series of connections and roots, now in danger feed back to life. Between these polarities, opens a path of experimentation and creative synthesis between old and new, tradition and innovation, which can not be exhausted or ten or a hundred or a thousand points.


1. Exit energy addiction

Much of the human society have become addicted, for 150 years, a large and growing injection of energy resources, especially fossil fuels, the main oil. This is an energy capital "saved" for billions of years of photosynthesis, which we spent medium without asking future generations, and we still use to build a society that is increasingly removed from its ecological viability. Climate change is the most telling sign that shows the absurdity of this culture of false abundance of energy, which generates an ecological debt to be paid by our children and grandchildren. Will curb this abuse, and decided to take steps, now and progressively towards a social metabolism and technology based on solar radiation-the only receive free-and its derivatives (wind, hydro, biomass, tides ...). It is necessary to promote forms of distributed generation and energy saving policies, with a review of all practices energivorous (transport, agriculture, etc.).

2. Exit financial addiction

The deregulation of finance has made us live the last forty years in a state slightly less than al.lucinatori. The mirage of easy money has made us lose sight of the world. Few have taken advantage of and many, many have suffered the consequences. The amount of abstraction and anonymity has made money on weapons of mass destruction more devastating the planet, so that more unnoticed. In a few decades has generated astronomical debt that has brought the system to collapse and do not know how and when will we return. The power of money moves the levers of power often in hidden ways, through criminal operations that leave no trace. Speculative activity adds no value but increases prices, and raising the income effortlessly that others have generated work and ingenuity. It is necessary to take measures such as the Tobin tax or the like that do pay taxes the circulation of money in the market to discourage purely speculative operations. We need to regain public banks a monopoly of money creation, limiting the bank multiplier mechanism that facilitates the uncontrolled expansion of credit. We must move towards a common currency to information and transparent economic system.

3. Out of addiction productivist

industrial activity has largely ceased to be functional to meet critical needs and concrete. Productivist Gear better respond to the need to recoup costs and generate returns for shareholders. The race to growth seems to be the only way to feed this insatiable mechanism. The production-consumption circuit is accelerating steadily, thanks to the culture of disposability and planned obsolescence policy. On the other hand, while generating revenue requirements provided to the fever consuming. The consumer addiction continues in workaholism, the dependence of salary, still more perverse with the spread of activities "autonomous", which actually translate into ways of further alienating autoesclavatge. Rethinking the productive activity its priorities, its procedures, the life cycle of products, distribution criteria ... are essential and urgent steps, as are the distribution of working hours, participation of workers in the company, or new patterns in the consumption of manufacter, maintenance, reuse, repair and recycling.

4. Out of addiction information

The imagery has been and is the last frontier of planetary colonization project. Advertising, media, the entertainment industry have played a key role in decant public preferences towards simplification and superficiality of the messages. The addiction to the "news", ie "pills information" rapid consumption, often devoid of context and temporal depth (or history, or consequences) parallels the loss of narrative and critical capacity. Television, video games, offline images that occupy the entire perceptual space, encourage the advent of a more "fluid", which is passed from individual to mass without intermediate passages. Participation patterns are generated fictitious or because virtual directory, no impact, or because reduced competition bipolar scheme, which trivializes any reason, including serious conflict. We must reduce the dose of exposure to informational inputs disconnected from the real life of each person. We must facilitate the exercise of critical thinking to what comes from outside and that, unlikely promises, manipulates us. In particular, we must stop the omnipresence of advertising and finding ways of regulation of their messages.

5. Hierarchical leave addiction

A model domain is based on myths and the rhetoric of independence, superiority and control. World geopolitics continues to respond to this imperial logic, more or less disguised, and not willing to jointly manage the use of resources and solving problems. With all the media feeds a kind of collective aspiration to strong leadership and charismatic "men of providence" that we have to overcome the disaster is exactly this desire for dominance has generated. And here is relevant to talk about men, since this model has historically masculine connotations. The growing bureaucratization of societies and their core services (administration, health, education, justice, political representation ...) shows a general trend towards the transfer of their own capabilities and responsibilities, and delegation of a share of personal power. It sows the suspicion, moreover, who wanted to participate in politics is not citizenship but a symptom of personal ambition, and make us believe that the competitive struggle is a must. All racism, sex, social status, religion or skin color, born of the culture of superiority, encouraged by most cultures. We must leave this imaginary, of this mental model "unique" and practices generated at all scales, large and small.


6. Rooted in the territory

The relocation is the first great option to reconnect to a way of life possible. We must reverse the dual trends of rapid urbanization and depopulation of part of the territory by the other. We must build a new synthesis of primary activities, secondary and tertiary care based on territorial and a new equilibrium distribution of the population. The territory must become the main source of material wealth and identity. Rebuild the mosaic of uses, maximize photosynthetic activity, rediscover local biodiversity, crop rotations, multiple complementarities between different activities ...

7. Reunited with the same time vital

should be very clear that the perception that time is not simply a container anonymous and abstract, but also their time and as such emanation of person, connected to their health and life stages. Activity of individuals are viewed in this context, it would have to rethink the social forms of assignment of the proper time to ensure collective tasks and personal and family sostentament. A universal basic income allows us to recognize an intrinsic value to being a person and decouple part of the purchasing power of the activity "wage." The time required for reproduction and maintenance of life, or participation in collective affairs thus receive specific assistance to book. You also avoid perverse labor market mechanisms, where the abundance of labor adjust downward as the remuneration of labor as collateral.

8. Rediscovering Community dimension

The acceleration of the last 50 years has "cleared" social structures and ancient ways of living. The human being is a mammal, which sociality and identification in a group has survival value. Having replaced the "relational goods" with the consumption of material goods has not always improved our lives. The reunion of sociality and goods that people can be exchanged without the use of money is an important step in the right direction. A return to forms of public or community ownership of land (based on the bare ownership, possibly with private usufruct) would give substance to experiences of local currency for the benefit of the community, to promote trade within a particular geographical area. The local area is also conducive to forms of participatory democracy, with a greater degree of consensus and collective responsibility for the future.

choose sobriety

With a more sober, all might have enough to live with satisfaction. Back to recognize and differentiate the real needs of false needs is the first step to building a world in which we can be prosperous without wasting resources or humiliate anyone. We need a stronger connection between needs and consumption, both when buying and also produce. Refocus priorities goods and services production to durable, easy to fix, low impact, at least away as possible markets, is another priority. This will be easier to perform, if the company becomes democratic, with greater involvement of employees in company decisions, according to a logic close to the cooperative.

10. Resume the sense

People and communities have another basic need: to give meaning to the activity and presence in the world. Collective self-destruction can not be the answer we wanted. We must make room, to rediscover the silence, stillness, listening, imagining a possible world where dialogue, condivisió, simplicity, beauty, are the basis for a new balance rooted in life.

[The letter asked me Martí Olivella to try to summarize the proposed decrease in the process of "Barcelona Consensus", which is one of the main drivers]


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