Saturday, November 27, 2010

Placemat Cardboard Box

face of obsolescence, the repair of equipment. 10 points to detoxify

face of obsolescence, the repair of equipment.
The Confidential

"Consumers are fed up that mobile phones, MP3 players, photo cameras, computers and many other devices Electronic seem designed to break away. So they are enthusiastically embracing
movement promoted by Kyle Wiens, young founder of the website iFixit
. Wiens has just published the
"Manifesto for the right to repair Handhelds" . The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Manifesto is that repair is greener than recycling. It's good for the planet, and good for the consumer's pocket. Those who adhere to the Manifesto are tired of seeing huge mountains of electronic waste in Africa or Asian, surrounded by thousands of children who burn all kinds of devices to extract toxic copper and other metals, their only source of income. They are aware that the planet can not sustain this race leaves behind tons of useless crap. Therefore, the founding document begins, very timely, with the words "We hold these truths to be self-evident", the same with starting the Declaration of Independence of the United States.

advocates redress against the recycling industry require consumer electronics accept a consumer bill of rights. Want recognition of the right to repair their own devices, without this void the warranty. The devices can be opened easily without special tools. User can access the error codes and electronic diagrams of equipment purchase, as well as manual disassembly and repair. These labels are removed once broken invalidate the warranty. That consumers have easy access, universal and inexpensive parts needed to repair their devices. Above all, the main demand is for manufacturers to develop products designed to last, instead of electronic designs destined to fail in a short time as a strategy to force consumers to buy new machines that do exactly the same as above, but in another color.

Apple, the enemy to beat
For advocates of repairing electronic equipment, the representative of the enemy beat Apple. Leaving aside the important issues of how some of their latest release, includes many products Lithium ion batteries, that hold between 200 and 300 charge cycles. With continued use daily and this translates in a half-life not exceeding 18 months before the autonomy of the device is reduced drastically.

Anyone who dares to change the battery in an iPod, iPad or iPhone without sufficient knowledge or proper tools, you will realize that it is an impossible task. Nothing to do with the battery of many Nokia phones, which can be easily replaced in few seconds.

What is filling the patience of consumers is the policy of many manufacturers, who charge unfair figures for the repair of damaged devices outside the time warranty. Most do not even arise to fix the device. Offer the user to replace the defective product. Replace it with a new or a refurbished indiscriminately. Only a few manufacturers charge less in the course of the repaired equipment replacements.
Repairs gold price
Here again is a case Apple. On its website a list price of the repair of various models of MP3 players for the English market. The relevance of anger consumer is easily understood by comparing the prices of official repair what it costs to fix user himself. Like for instance the iPod Mini. According to Apple's website, the battery replacement costs between 60 and 71 euros. The replacement battery comes online just over 15 euros, including postage by ordinary mail.

The situation worsens when it comes to other relief. Arrange a second generation iPod Mini costs $ 200, regardless of whether they have breached the 6 GB hard drive, which as part worth about 60 euros, or LCD, which costs about 20 euros.

But Apple is not the only manufacturer to charge extortionate prices for repairs. In fact, the concept of planned obsolescence dates from the decade of the twenties of last century and is practically required standard within the industry of consumer electronics, which achieves a shorter cycle life even before the expiry of the statutory period two-year warranty. Prematurely retired products that still work or have faults yourself, become trash in less than it takes the consumer into signing for a credit card.

face the danger that can represent this movement for reparations for the huge profits of the consumer electronics industry, have already raised the first words that qualify the promoter of the Manifesto, Kyle Wiens, from a mere opportunist, but they forget that is a person who leads by example. Their website is not just a shop selling parts. It is one of the websites in continuous growth, and a must to find tutorials on repair of all types of faults in many small and large appliances, all free, courtesy of authentic and specialist in electronics, to make repairs in a few minutes work. "

" Consumers are rebelling against the iPod and other gadgets with an expiration date, "Rule of Eva and Juan F. Martín Marcelo for


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