Monday, February 28, 2011

Which Investment Is Best Lic Or Icici

Attacks of neoliberalism

Marieta Manso

says Hugo Blanco, Peruvian peasant indigenous leader, which is indigenous resistance lasting over 500 years since it began to be crushed, but now it is more noticeable because it has never been so strong the attack on his life.

An attack that comes in many forms:

open cast mining,

hydroelectric dams,

oil extraction companies,

Logging the forest to agro-industrial plantations and farming.

Everything that kills the wild, kill them.

Marieta Manso

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sore Tonsils, White Pustules


Employers Fermin bullfighting Vioque, representing Coso de los Califas SL, directed Friday the Mayor of Priego, via fax, an internal appeal against the award by the Consistory to the company of the celebrations Juanconfer SL scheduled for March 20 and April 23 in the Plaza de Toros in the town.
According to the letter to which he had access Subbética Taurine, Vioque finds that the award "does not comply with the law and is harmful to the interests of the institution he represents," featuring nine large claim in which he argues his stance, while requesting the nullity of such awards and the suspension thereof.
Among the arguments raised by Vioque, notes that in celebration of the reopening of the plaza, the contractor, "does not meet the essential condition required by the Hon. City Council provide Miura bulls, "meaning that has been" neglected "the offer made by Coso de los Califas," that it met with such essential "because the specification indicated that the bulls literally," must be livestock Eduardo Miura, the same plaza opened in 1892, hence it does not meet the award conditions of the statement, "must be declared null right ". According
Vioque notes in its brief, the City has not only gone against his own acts, "but proceeded to an arbitrary choice," ignoring the efforts of Coso de los Califas SL, "a trial, to obtain the commitment of the murderers who lend themselves to deal a mating so difficult and feared as the Miura livestock and, finally, the full organization of a run in as little time and space. "
Similarly, the employer shows that Cordoba has not been notified of the opening ceremony of tender documents, "to go to it and present their observations on them, as prescribed by law" qualifying in this respect that the Consistory, "has acted with total lack of transparency and ignoring the right of all bidders to take part in every stage of contracting administrative procedure."
other hand and in relation to the celebration of April 23, Easter Saturday, Fermín Vioque finds that the award has not publicly offered, "in order to go to tender on equal terms to any other employer" stating that in the specifications submitted by the Consistory textually, referring to the offer on March 20 that "only with regard to contemplate the spectacle of bullfighting, as that the future management of the plaza is not the subject of this invitation ", so that the representative of Coso de los Califas this is another argument for a walk to the award of Juanconfer SL celebration of Holy Saturday," is not valid ".
so, after listing a large number of articles of Law 30/2007 on public sector contracts and the Law 30/1992 on Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedure, in which incurred the Consistory in the process for these awards , Vioque asks the Mayor of Priego to issue resolution, "according the nullity" of those awards, to therefore this action is resolved, also replacing the proceedings "until the stage of public opening of bids."
finally emphasize that as indicated by the very Fermín Vioque, on Tuesday presented the relevance in the court of Priego, since it believes that their rights have been violated, performing the award now reported, "with the greatest of secrecy" .

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fallacious arguments to build the superhighway and second floors of peripherals.

Different arguments have been given the City government and the companies involved to build the Supervia and second floors. However, if one reviews with a bit of detail, you will not argue in any way, so it is possible to regard them as fallacies.

1. If the works are constructed to collapse the west of the city traffic. In the history of mankind there is no city that has collapsed from vehicular traffic. Beijing, China, may be the best example of a bottleneck several days, with a length of 100 km long , and that the city did not collapse. Although there have built a number of new streets and highways, traffic has only increased in recent years with the growth of vehicle fleet.

Source: The Economist .

In this situation the Chinese authorities are opting for limit the number of licenses , among other measures, to discourage car use.

2. Failure to build the superhighway and second floors will miss the competitiveness of the city. Cities and Seoul in South Korea, demolished the second floor and by no means ceased to be competitive . By contrast, the recovery of public space brought about major investments in the space recovered. It is clear that the per capita GDP Seoul is $ 29,700 (PPP) while Mexico City is $ 20,400 (PPP) in 2008. Competitiveness is not achieved with urban highways.

3. "There are eight kilometers of a second floor, nothing more than what was paid for by taxpayers and used as 3.5 percent of the population because it is over, so what should I do?, then finish the second floor "Marcelo Ebrard. (Source here )

In San Francisco, USA, was demolished Embarcadero urban highway, considered a highway to nowhere. As in the case of Seoul, the recovery of public space brought a new economic dynamic, which was not lost competitiveness, or collapse due to traffic.

4. are works to build a leading city. This type of work are actually inspired by the model Futurama city, proposed in 1939 World's Fair in Detroit. One of the first built was the second floor Boston, USA, which after 9 years was totally saturated, and it was decided to demolish the last decade.

5. benefit the whole west of the city. This book really focuses on developing free traffic for Santa Fe, which is a fraction of the west of Mexico City.

6. If not built SuperVia be lost 1.000 billion pesos. This is certainly true, however, is a specious argument since the monetary criteria take precedence over the respect for human rights, citizen participation and enforcement. Do you really want a city with an unjust government?

7. has been given all the information Supervía . This is false, since there is no public access to information financial calculations and works programs of supervision.

8. is a work supported by 22 thousand signatures , so it should be. Although there are such firms, it is absurd for this reason be built, especially laws were violated when public participation . In other words, these firms postjustificatorias.

9. The "neighbors" of Santa Fe Supervía support. The Neighborhood Association of Santa Fe's really a private-public trust, which is chaired by Director of Haua Sergio COPRI , one of the builders of the superhighway and developer of the Summit of Santa Fe ( http: / / ) on a property 85 hectares (on Avenue of the poets) and Garden Underground Mall This latest project is rejected by the residents of Santa Fe , as the GDF privatized the public square only to build a mall.

10. The urban motorway (superhighway second floor) is a part of a comprehensive plan for city mobility. There is no plan or program of mobility for the city developed prior to these projects, where they pose to data and studies, and it is noteworthy that the experts behind these projects do not appear .

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subscribers Association and Amateur Bullfighting in Cordoba, we sent the following note to its dissemination:

"Subscribers Association and Amateur Bullfighting in Cordoba has completed the composition of its board and a talk program for next March.

On November 11, 2010, the date of its constitution, was appointed an interim board at its meeting held on February 23, has been ratified and supplemented with the appointment of other officers, being composed of the following way:

President Manuel Galán Ortega Vice
: Pilar Madrid Almoguera
Secretary: Celso
Sáez Ortiz Treasurer: Pedro Martinez Almoguera
Youth Vocal: Juan Diego Aged Maduro
Vocal Release: Alejandro Rodríguez Galán

At that meeting, also addressed other issues internal organization and agreed to organize a talk to be held next March and is being finalized, also agreed to make a comparative study of the prices announced by the new management company Square bulls and appoint representatives in different towns of the province agreed to accept the invitation to participate, with two representatives in the First National Amateur Bullfighting, livestock held in the Marquis of Albaserrada, Gerena (Sevilla) the next day March.

Moreover subscribers Association and Amateur Bullfighting in Cordoba to exalt and to support openly and categorically the work carried out by the English Association against Cancer in Cordoba, with much benefit, the society is in Cordoba, we understand they are people who are involved beyond empty words, empty propaganda or grant useless for taxpayers, however, engage in real terms, trying to resolve or alleviate serious problems affecting a large part of society closer to all of us. And, of course, we set up for rendering him the biggest cheer of which we are able, for the annual effort they make to the organization from its traditional bullfighting festival, with the sole purpose of obtaining funds to finance effective help so many families who are hit by the illness of one of its members, also because holding this festival, not only show signs of great sensitivity and consistency, also is fighting the cancer that has installed in small sectors of society from ignorance (in most cases) and cynicism subsidized (in many others) try to erode our customs and our traditions, ie ourselves. Subscribers Association and Amateur Bullfighting in Cordoba is and always will stand by the Association for the Fight Against Cancer and encouraged to persevere in their efforts because they need it the society Cordoba and the support filling the arena of the Caliphs the 26th March.

know if any of these "anti" need the help of the Association against Cancer (God forbid) would meet with his hand outstretched and without asking for what they think. "

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Rivera Ordóñez, El Fandi and Curro Jimenez, TERNA FOR THE REOPENING OF THE TOWN OF TOMORROW

Ni Miura not a flashy sign. The reopening of the plaza de toros de Priego, scheduled for Sunday 20 March will be an honor shared Francisco Rivera "Paquirri" David Fandila "The Fandi "and Curro Jiménez, grappling July confinement of Door.

As surmised in various forums, the legendary cattle ranching, one of the demands raised by the Consistory in the mini statement which referred to companies interested in organizing the festivities, will not return, for now, the centennial arena Las Canteras, closed to the public on March 30, 2002 and underwent extensive renovation in December 2003, which have invested over 780,000 euros to bring it to the current rules.

Although perhaps one of the surprises of the media presentation before the reopening celebration was held this noon was that the Mayor prieguense own, Encarnación Ortiz, announced that the contract with the company that has been granted the organization of the reopening, Juanconfer SL, also includes the celebration planned for Easter Saturday in which, this time it will be dealt a run of Miura.

In this sense, Ortiz explained that given the controversy and division of opinion which led to the decision to propose such livestock for the reopening, "we have negotiated with the company that the first celebration was not Miura, provided the second out of the livestock, "noting in this connection that after a meeting with the local matador about it and considering this possibility," we arrive at an agreement all parties. "

Moreover, Ortiz emphasized that after the report from the Monitoring Committee of the Convention Taurino on the six companies had submitted bids for the reopening, the Commission on Government prieguense Consistory held on Monday approved the award of the festival to Juanconfer SL, represented by Juan Manuel Rodríguez Vélez, present at the ceremony next to local matador Curro Jiménez.

As the lineup, without the presence of the Miura, was a wide range of possibilities, considering even the presence of Morante de la Puebla, Cayetano, El Cid and Manzanares, finally declining for three candidates Rodríguez Vélez more "media" as the case of Francisco Rivera Ordóñez and El Fandi, the latter number one ranking last season and a whole "life insurance" for any festival box office, completing the trio, as also demanded in the mini statement of the Consistory, the local matador Curro Jiménez. According to the new employer prieguense will be operated this year's Square Lucena, the televised the party, as is the intention of the City Council as the very Rodríguez Vélez, "there are a number of fighters with which one can not count" of hence be chosen for this trio.

Meanwhile, Jimenez appreciated the efforts of the City Council for inclusion in a celebration so special, "sneak up on me," recognizing that a situation, "I can not choose livestock and if they had put the Miura had killed her, because what I have it out that bullfighting "confessing with the sincerity that characterized that of a run of Miura," would not because I have very airy office for it, "offered yet for the celebration of Holy Saturday which will own the cattle that graze in Zaharich.

The celebration, which will start at five in the afternoon and be preceded by the formal opening ceremony, will with a retail price ranging between $ 50 laying the shade, and 40 euros for the sun while laying high shade, new name of the old boxes, the price is 40 euros and in the Sun 30, will also have tickets for the price of 35 retirees in the shade and 25 in the sun.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Attacks Neoliberalism "You have to destroy the technological apparatus"

talked with the philosopher John Zerzan on alternatives to industrial development and the current model of economic progress in mass society.
Astor Simón Díaz (Editor)

Wednesday February 10, 2010. Number 119
                                                     Photo: Olmo Calvo.
In a recent interview you said that emerging approaches to effectively challenge of modernity and progress. What do you think the movement

decrease and its responsiveness to the global economic crisis? John Zerzan:
a couple of years ago in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthere was considerable discussion, especially from French groups, this trend. Some aspired to join the parliamentary game, what I consider bad idea, and I do not know what degree of radicalism imply its proposal. On the one hand, some of its concepts do not go too far, as the "slow cities", the "slow food" or the idea of \u200b\u200bsimplification. Furthermore, there is little scope for lack of criticism on the whole phenomenon. Everyone goes in the direction of unchecked industrial growth: China, India and many other countries move quickly to this reality. Thus, the decrease may be desirable, but we must raise a concrete struggle against all these dynamics, institutions and forces that push in the other direction. I think that promote a healthy thing, but if you chose the way of integration and other Green parties, I think his focus will be compromised by the dynamics of games, but perhaps be able to find an alternative.

What is your theoretical approach to this fight?

The anti-industrial. Unless we tackle this problem, we are avoiding addressing the main manifestation of mass society, which already has a term of 9,000 years. We can only recognize a reality that almost anyone happy, they are reacting to the human groups on every continent, in every country. Industrial society poisoned the air, leading to the enslavement of millions of people, just with indigenous peoples and their ways of life. And today not even try to hide their true nature, its agents operate in the light of day. Copenhagen has been an entirely predictable disaster and Obama is another Bush, it seems that finally the illusion is over and maybe now we can deal with our real problems.

What you think about the Internet? Is it a sign of domestication or has a specific gravity as a tool for transformation?

I think both. I do not know here, but in the U.S. we spend our lives in front of the screen. We are addicted to this type of interaction, suppose that the existing level of helplessness. Today a friend is someone you've probably never seen in person, go everywhere with your mobile phone to your ear. It seems nobody wants to be present in this ravaged world, we are always elsewhere. But there is another part. This world is defined by technology, techno-culture is expanding rapidly, despite being economically exclusive. And on the basis of this process is postmodernism, which is characterized by the unconditional adoption of technology, as well as the loss of the ideas of causation, value or meaning. Only leaves room for the momentary and trivial.

Do you think this system has been implemented from the top or the drift is that we have worked ourselves?

I think that this system comes from our consumption. And it will not be dealt with effectively without applying a radical critique of this phenomenon, because the technology itself is neutral. If you do not politicize the issue of its use and the roots of their existence is impossible to stop this situation. The negative effects of this model are visible in the physical and mental health of our society. For example, the phenomenon of school shootings and institutions. These pathological manifestations occur in more developed countries-USA, Finland and Germany, as symptoms of a dysfunctional society, the emptiness of a standardized world that is destroying the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunity and many other important concepts in our lives. As we continue betting on a technological society mass, as does the left, we are not able to get rid of all this burden and return to direct experience of the world.

And how to deal with the practical process of changing the model?

Putting the issue on the table, giving the importance it deserves and stressing the central role it should play in public discussion. Our approach involves destroying all the technological apparatus before it destroys us and to eliminate all value and texture of life. It tries to reconnect with the land, so our main inspiration are the livelihoods of indigenous peoples.

What if the system would fall morning and had the opportunity to intervene and implement specific changes?

The problem is that most of the population of large cities would die in three days. Not last long without power, with rotting food, no skills to survive and the instinct atrophied. Do not know what to eat, what to plant is which, how to make fire, find water, shelter ... We have to prepare for that process, because the city is artificial and unsustainable, and does not represent the world we will face when the system stops ... In addition, these tools have empowered political survival, gives a sense of autonomy. If you want to exit the system, but do not have such knowledge, certainly not give the final step.

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visions of this city: the (anti) Utopia of the car. Traffic on two levels in peripheral. Minibus



Second floor , supervise and express routes in Mexico: more pollution and traffic

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Press Priego Town Hall at 13:00. This is the stage and the time to unveil the mystery that brings several weeks of half-head of the bullfighting scene provincia.Qué company will manage the opening of Las Canteras and poster for this historic occasion.

for professionalism and respect to my sources, tomorrow I will not pass anything on the subject and why I have first hand information. There will be time to discuss day to day, everything has been mounted on this celebration, the award and changes, some surprising, that have occurred with respect to the original intentions of the City.

Come on, that any resemblance to what is required by the Consistory in the mini statement which referred to companies interested in organizing the reopening of the plaza de toros de Priego, "is pure coincidence." Of course, we will have to gossip in the face ...

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somewhere Av Cuauhtemoc, DF, Mexico.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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disguised bus.

some time there is a policy change in the City of minibuses and trucks, to thereby increase the passenger capacity and decrease the amount of the first. However, I think that the minibus or microbus builders have found a way to get around this. Simply alter the exterior of the bus and truck disguise.

Smelly Shower After Time

cycle of automobile dependency.

"During The last century There Has Been a cycle of self-Reinforcing INCREASED automobile travel, Reduced travel options, and more automobile-oriented transportation and land use result in Which Policies a high level of automobile dependency in MOST communities (Turcotte 2008). "

Source: Automobile Dependency, Victoria Transport Policy Institute.

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The month of March will be in Priego de most intense, because together with the expected reopening of the bullring on Sunday 20 March, or the days of the rock taurine Curro Jiménez, on the 19th, a week before, particularly on Saturday March 12, will take place the official presentation of the Association Peña Miguel Angel Serrano Taurine.
The event will take place at 12:00 am at the Cultural Center Sidro Adolfo Lozano will be the coming-out of this new group that emerged around the figure of the bullfighter prieguense Miguel Angel Serrano.
Subsequently, as the note sent by the new Peña, the attendees will share a glass of wine and tapas at the Finca Las Salinas, ending the coexistence with the release of a cow.
With this new rock, Priego has three associations linked to the world of bullfighting, active. Namely, the Taurine Curro Jiménez Peña, Peña Grana y Oro Taurine and Taurine Association Peña Miguel Angel Serrano.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Smoking Weed On Clindamycin


not want soup, it takes two cups. Those responsible for the company to manage Taurinas, I just handed in an article about the thousand and one comments that are occurring because of the "possible", I say so, the presence of Miura in the reopening of the plaza de toros Priego. They are shipped comfortable, but what I ma attention is that, as follows, also them have insulted and are making the bed, as they say.
We'll see how this ends because I really do not like a hair how things are going.
I leave the item in question.


By José Jesús Ordóñez Ruiz and Emilio Laserna Espinosa (Steps Taurinas)

"Now is the time to clarify the issue of the Miura, the Priego hobby and Taurine Curro Jiménez Peña.
From Steps Taurinas make clear that we propose in Priego Miura was not a decision "here you rascal, here I'll kill you "and less for the reopening of the Plaza de Toros de Priego. The Miura, indeed, does not kill any murderer, it is clear that peri game and ears are cut. If not "the experts" ask Padilla, Fundi, Javier Valverde (incidentally now inactive), etc. We
. After mulling over the signs could include in our offer, an amateur prieguense we raised the possibility of a livestock-which opened Priego Square in 1892. After studying for several days and consult with bullfighting professionals, both businessmen, bullfighters and journalists, we give an affirmative answer and we get down to work.
On January 24, 2011 presented in the Check In Hall we offer, of course, with the interests of Miura and a cartel formed by Rafaelillo, Juan José Padilla and Curro Jiménez. But that was our surprise! when in the second week of February, the fourth point of the "mini statement" that brought us the City to the companies that had shown interest in hosting the celebration of the reopening, says: "The livestock must be Miura, the same who opened the place in 1892. "
Once filed at City Hall our new offer, of course with the Miura, such as "required" the aforementioned mini statement, it did get to the press and it was here when, to our surprise, began a battery of abuse, insults and even covert pressures, yes, as it sounds, by certain persons closely linked to local matador, so that they make every effort to ensure that the livestock were not the re-opening. Then came the bid and surprise!, Other three included the "dreaded" Miura.
These gentlemen, we can only tell you that if you do not want this, you are neither bulls nor anything, and you have to do is dedicate to clean the dirty laundry of his home and not others. We have been ashamed
Others to be told that by raising the Miura run, we're two "murderers", or we want out of the way to local matador and cut his career, which have already been ordered to cut others with their mismanagement ...
But continue with what happened on February 5 when, from this company, we got on the phone with the matador Curro Jiménez, personally asking if there was a problem on their part to kill the bullfight. His answer was the same at four companies that have included in their offerings: "There is no problem."
So who are these guys to keep pushing for Miura not come to Priego?. The last straw is that the very possession of the bullfighter, Mr. Paco Barba, submitted a bid with the Miura and, oh surprise!, With Curro Jiménez. What's going on here?. Why play if you yourself have entered the game?.
Enough of threats, insults and defamatory and let you work for firms that have submitted their bids, until it produces the desired award, which will hopefully be soon. Steps From Taurinas
want to thank all the fans of France, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Extremadura and our Andalusia, who have been in contact with us in supporting this initiative and, above all, the City of Priego, who has relied on his "mini statement, and to all national newspapers, provincial and local levels, have also supported this initiative which we hope will become reality next March 20.
We want the contractor to conduct a proceeding and the City, which has been well advised on this issue, do not be swayed by anyone.
insist on our part, we have never wanted to cut the path of Curro Jiménez, quite the contrary, we have supported more than a few that are around.
In short, time is what gives the reason and puts each one in its place, as the bull. "

Friday, February 18, 2011

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few days ago in a post about what is living in Priego because of the uncertainty surrounding the award of the arena, I chose, openly and clearly, the presence of herding said Miura for the reopening celebration . Well
petite like me is falling to defending the interests of Zaharich, let some (someday I'll tell you) I've been called half a murderer and I cut the path of the local matador, Curro Jimenez, who at the time, it appears that most affected by the presence in Priego of this century-old bulls and mythical currency.
On Wednesday, a fan in the Paseíllo he snapped that, besides the dangers of the above, the square would not be no Christ, so the brave entrepreneur and would be the ruin of half the planet admerreir bull. To say goodbye, this guy reminded me that it is very difficult to cut off ears of a Miura and in Priego, we are more female matadors toristas and what is not a run with seven ears and shoulders triple output, "in Priego is a disaster ". What you need to hear!.
After such a tirade, I went home looking at the words of this man and out of the blue, I got a call from a big fan I had read in the news Córdoba Journal of offers have been made to manage the reopening Las Canteras and the possibility of dealing Miura. The truth that came with pearls, because I did confirm what I thought, although some labeled as what I want and tell me a thousand times that of bulls, "you have no idea." Be true.
But the friend told me this is a new argument that supports more if possible, that desire which housed as Priego, its bullring, it would appear from that time as a bold square, one of those that, least once, have given a gift to lovers of the bull, those that cover half of Spain to see copies of a mating purist who want to attend the live show to witness how these animals are three times the horse and ask war from coming out by the bullpen. Lucena last year, with Fuenteymbro, we found a pleasure, but it is seen that we have to wait and keep seeing more steers, mackerel most of the time and go to the ground after a sting, a sort embarrassing sham beam in serious danger of extinction. That's what the fans want, that's what they want the figures and now, it seems that that is what they want for 20 March.
Anyway, as I was saying. It gives me in the nose that we will run out Miura Priego, since I have every record that is moving to Rome to Santiago this stud is not chosen, despite being one of the requirements of the Consistory, I think well advised, despite the previously discussed, especially considering the historic date of reopening.
As I do not want to end this post in defeatist plan, only comforts me that at least for a few days, there was a poster with Padilla, Jose Luis Moreno and Curro Jimenez, Miura bulls, with some, very few, I have also to say, we were licking the taste and counting the days and even hours until event like taurine, which was already gaining attention on bull gossip and district not only local but regional and provincial thanks to the blogosphere, the entire planet bull.
Anyway, time will tell. At least I'll take some, brave and determined them, bet that the Miura came to Priego, but then everything is in it, in a bid, a proposal in an offer on a intentonta, for which we also have to be brave, very brave.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Feed Infant Rice Cereal

The death of the music industry.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Are The Dangers Of Ovarian Cysts


taurine businessman and attorney Juan Manuel Rodríguez Vélez, as head of Juanconfer SL, has just signed the contract with the company that owns the plaza de toros de Lucena, thereby becoming the new The Donceles responsible for this season, with option for extension.
the wake of Taurotoro and Angel Bernal, the arena Lucentine account from this afternoon with a new company the third since its inauguration in July 2006, arriving with the intention of consolidating the Plaza de Lucena both in the artistic field and in the assistance of public, one of the great unfinished business of his former charge.
Regarding this season, Rodriguez Velez is scheduled to hold the first celebration on May 1, specifically a bullfight on the occasion of the celebrations Aracelitanas, completing the year with another bullfight, another on horseback, predictably in Valley Fair, and various celebrations of promotion.
worth noting that Juan Manuel Rodríguez Vélez has organized over the past twenty years a large number of festivals in locations such as Cazorla, Gerona, Aranjuez, Almendralejo, Constantine, Ayamonte, Villanueva del Arzobispo, Villacarrillo, Yecla, Berja, Utrera Priego, being equally responsible for the Goat Square for a number of years, highlighting in this sense programming offered to mark the 150 anniversary of the arena egrabrense.
other hand and in front of Juanconfer SL, Rodriguez Velez was responsible for the recent opening of the plaza de toros de Utrera last September, a successful event that saw an attendance of 5,000 spectators taking part in the same ranking as leading figures of the Manzanares, El Fandi, Daniel Luque and Luis Vilchez.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Serena Snelling Calendar

"The hunger and famine WORLD COME ON THE DEFAULT"

"The hunger and famine TURN THE DEFAULT OF THE WORLD"
With the firm objective to invite reflection on identifying not only the problem that has united thousands of people and brought them out into the streets to express their claim, but also to identify the "enemy" in common with the protagonists of social movements arising throughout the world originated by the scarcity of food product of economic and social policies that favor the export of food companies and national vulnerability to the field of urban development towards industry as an engine of human development and economic growth.

Mexico, said on Monday 31 January, remains to be seen whether the requirement will echo and attack the real enemy of the world ...

this situation and to further expose the policy of extermination that many governments seem to have, I would send the interview carried out by correspondent Gustavo Capdevila News Agency Inter Press Service (IPS), a Janaina Brazilian peasant activist STRONZAKE entitled "
Hunger and famine ignite the rebellion in the world"
who talks about it and more.

GENEVA, Jan 31 (IPS) - Rising food prices leading to hunger, one of the causes of popular revolts in Tunisia, Egypt and other countries due to financial speculation and not a lack of arable land, said Janaina Stronzake, the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST) in Brazil. The shortage of basic necessities and hunger are used as weapons that end up forcing people to take specific behaviors, said Stronzake, who in addition to integrating national coordination represents MST Via Campesina, a joint global movements of rural workers.

Brazilian activist said of the role of peasants in times of food crisis in conversation with IPS, a high participation in the meeting organized by the Geneva Federation for Cooperation, Saturday and Sunday in the Swiss city.

Q: What do you attribute this shock at the price of food?

JS: The issue of prices and food shortages or famine, it is always a complex issue with multiple causes and a number of key factors.

attribute, as is done rising food prices to the people of China and India are feeding now seems too simplistic. It's like saying, well, if we pay more is because of Indians and Chinese. And this is not true.

IPS: Is that perhaps lack of food in the world?
JS: We have capacity in the world to produce food, and of sufficient quality to all people, without resorting to dubious technologies, as the case of GMOs.

In Brazil we have 120 million hectares of uncultivated. In other words, to produce more not be taking land in the Amazon, you do not upset the environment nor destroy the forests. All it takes is a decent land reform, appropriate, to ensure conditions for peasants continue to occur.

Q: So what is the cause of all this?
JS: One of the factors
fundamental to the price increase is financial speculation.
is because foods are considered commodities and are traded in the stock futures markets.

Q: Who benefits from speculation?
TNCs take advantage of it, play and use the hunger of the people and profit.
To prove enough to compare between the rise of food prices and graphics of earnings and profits of large corporations. For example, between 2004 and 2008 witnessed a series of clashes, riots, attacking populations in search of food supermarkets while increases in food.
During that time, the benefits of Syngenta, which is a major global agricultural companies, jumped from U.S. $ 6,000 million to 11,000 million. So while the famine punished the stock, pocketing the greatest benefit transnational corporations.

IPS: How is evidenced by the policies of these companies?

JS: By the way businesses want to structure the agricultural production capacity by removing the people through water control, seeds and intellectual property products, in addition to grabbing the best land. Also

from control of the market. Today there are 10 firms that dominate most of the soybean market, corn and sugar cane

IPS: How does the peasant movement to increases in food prices?
JS: With much concern, because they respond to a whole integrated system.

thinker Zygmunt Bauman, of Polish origin, speaks for example of human waste. He says it's as if people over the world and we must do something with it. One way is to starve, as there is work for everyone.

With the new technologies of production and there is no need for so many arms to work. Then this excess population should disappear. Not because they can feed, but because within the capitalist system does not generate or consume. They therefore tend to disappear. And one way is this, that starve with this type of crisis.

Q: What about other forms?

JS: Another way is the business of prisons, privatization of the prison system.

In times of acute crisis, people tend to crime for survival. From there come the theft and all crimes, then the prisons are privatized and become a profitable business.

Companies receive state bonds to install, manage and benefit from the work of inmates. That is very reminiscent of the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.
This system is spreading around the world. In Brazil, some state governments to begin right now to try and make the process of privatization of prisons.

Q: There are just methods of extermination

No, the issue of war is also associated
. As war may remain, as in the Democratic Republic of Congo, without a famine that forces people to move and act as mercenary soldiers.
There looks like hunger and high food prices are used as weapons to force people to accept certain behaviors. To this must be added other forms of crime such as trafficking in weapons, drugs, women and human organs. All interconnected in a system that generates few benefits for companies. Q: What is your opinion of international trade agreements covering food products?

JS: La Via Campesina claims that foods are not in agreement that promotes the WTO (World Trade Organization). Can not be regarded as mere commodities. All
Mankind needs food and we must ensure a minimum for everyone, regardless of their economic conditions. And that does not happen only by welfare policies, for example, UNICEF (United Nations Fund for Children).

Ride the need to empower people from their own community to ensure and produce food. This is food sovereignty.
Q: What do you expect from the negotiations of the Doha Round of WTO promotes, with a chapter on global agricultural trade reform?

JS: Those negotiations did not include us. We take into account simply as a tendency to the disappearance of peasants and farmers.

But the point is that this disappearance carries the risk of food shortages because the agro-business, big business, those discussed in the Doha Round can be secured only by a period an amount of food, but his concern is only about their own income.

If you like to know other information sections of the same agency (IPS) I refer the web address


"The root causes of major human changes are not in the circles of scholars, rooted in the aspirations of the simple. They are the disinherited of the earth who have pursued more vigorously the ideal and who have developed the good in which we live. are the infinitely small, dark deep sea of \u200b\u200bthe poor, who founded the future "
Paul Deschanel
Movement descreces UNAM"
http:// descreces .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Short Breath And Communication

Visions of urban future: the (anti) utopia of the car.

F or to the Christian Stoll (2010), Agency : Ogilvy & Mather, New-York, Client: IBM

[I do not like to live in a city like this]

Side Effects Of Grecian 2000

No consumption, no capitalism

No consumption, no capitalism

Maria Gonzalez Interview magazine Píkara

Maria Gonzalez Reyes is the Consumer area coordinator for Ecologists in Action group member contrapublicista ConsumeHastaMorir. In this interview, he shelled the absurdities mechanisms of a capitalist system will collapse if left to grow, and using advertising as a lubricant to maintain "the illusion of endless consumption."
How has the crisis affected the population trends of consumption?
This crisis goes beyond the economic crisis is a whose social and environmental causes is totally linked to the capitalist economic system. The central problem is based on the essential incompatibility between a socioeconomic system based on the extraction of resources and increasing waste generation and a planet with limits. This system is expanding as a tumor around the globe and also at an alarming rate. One might wonder why we move in the opposite direction to that logic would draw, and we continue to consume more and more rapidly when the deterioration is undeniable. And the answer is linked to the economic system, based on maximizing individual benefit in the shortest time possible. A system that requires resource consumption and waste production can not stop growing.

Growth is not a possible consequence of this system is a prerequisite to work. If the capitalist economy stops growing, it collapses. Because of this, because consumption is what allows the system to continue operating machinery, so the government says that to solve the crisis should be an impact in precisely stubbornly continue to do the same thing has generated, consumed and consuming . And consumers and consumers are still trying to keep the ritual, feeling guilty for the economic crisis if we consume, and very supportive if we protest against social cuts that the government is doing. No longer a sad paradox.
What is the impact of consumption in rich countries over poor?

Precisely because the planet's resources are limited, there is a small part of the global population has created the game for the availability of these scarce resources at will. Discuss what is the speed of capitalism involves appointing those ejected and exploit this dynamic. We live in a world in which there are 100 blocks for 100 persons and 20 (which happens mostly men) are left with 86. The system not only accumulation but needs this accumulation. There is a problem of overspeed, but also of inequality.

A long time ago that the world also began to sound the alarm. If we look and we trust what we see, come to the conclusion that most of the really important things are getting worse: the river is not used to drink, the air is polluted, decreasing forest areas, fish stocks, the fossil energy, the time that people have to devote to caring for and interacting with others, biodiversity etc.
As for the impact of consumption on the cultural aspect, the expansion of the economic system generates the creation of global identity based on consumption. This homogenization is against diversity, and life is product diversity. As a monoculture, where a simple illness can end quickly with a whole crop, not cultural diversity, human, we reduce the range of our learning, our ability to adapt to changing conditions, our ability to reconstruct the damaged . The homogeneity of consumption that the system aims not point towards complementarity and the exercise of interdependence, conditions both for the creation and maintenance of life.
What is the role of advertising in this model?

is essential, is the tool and gear lubricating system, and makes the illusion of endless consumption is maintained. Is what allows the model and consumer values \u200b\u200bspread across the globe: the waste, lack of solidarity, homogenization, individualism, hedonism ... Values \u200b\u200bthat make everyone, even though the advertising promises us otherwise, we are more culture signs of boredom and unhappiness has shown.

advertising shows how women today?
The role of women in advertising, surprisingly, has not changed much since its inception. In any case, advertising knows no ideology: the same company is convinced feminist when it comes to selling a small utility car, and is capable of defending the patriarchal values \u200b\u200bmore rancid when you have to put in the car market is a family. Knows no ideology but is the channel of generation of consumer ideology as a source of solving problems.

What campaigns have you developed from grassroots movements to curb the impact of media consumption?
There are many social groups that, in recent times, are creating campaigns and working to create alternatives related to the topic of consumption. I highlight two. On the one hand, the Buy Nothing Day, celebrated in late November. It is an international campaign that seeks not so much not to eat one day, but to make a complaint of overproduction and overconsumption model in which we operate. On the other hand, advertising Shadow Awards, awarded at the end of May, coinciding with the Sol Awards granted in Donostia to the best advertising. It is a choice, following several categories, ads that promote consumerist values \u200b\u200brather unsympathetic, more macho, the more lie ... With the idea of \u200b\u200bexposing the ideological role that advertising complies, to work in the way of the transformation of production, distribution and consumption.

What advice would you give to critically consume and conscious?
invite reduce consumption levels and to reflect on consumer values, while proposing and experimenting with alternatives. It's about making a collective reflection on our model of consumption and promote the realization of a critical and responsible consumption as a political action to change things, following the path of decline. To begin this journey requires a change of heart, a review of our values: putting life in the center of reflection and experience, linked to the next territory, encourage diversity, knit community and community power, to garner knowledge approaching sustainability, expose and denounce the current development model and experimenting with alternatives. All three levels of resistance: an individual, voluntary simplicity. Another creation of collective alternatives, which allow up other forms of life to generalize. And a political level, the discussions and collective decisions fundamental to the definition of society. So we head to create other worlds more just, sustainable and at peace with the planet.