Saturday, February 19, 2011

Smoking Weed On Clindamycin


not want soup, it takes two cups. Those responsible for the company to manage Taurinas, I just handed in an article about the thousand and one comments that are occurring because of the "possible", I say so, the presence of Miura in the reopening of the plaza de toros Priego. They are shipped comfortable, but what I ma attention is that, as follows, also them have insulted and are making the bed, as they say.
We'll see how this ends because I really do not like a hair how things are going.
I leave the item in question.


By José Jesús Ordóñez Ruiz and Emilio Laserna Espinosa (Steps Taurinas)

"Now is the time to clarify the issue of the Miura, the Priego hobby and Taurine Curro Jiménez Peña.
From Steps Taurinas make clear that we propose in Priego Miura was not a decision "here you rascal, here I'll kill you "and less for the reopening of the Plaza de Toros de Priego. The Miura, indeed, does not kill any murderer, it is clear that peri game and ears are cut. If not "the experts" ask Padilla, Fundi, Javier Valverde (incidentally now inactive), etc. We
. After mulling over the signs could include in our offer, an amateur prieguense we raised the possibility of a livestock-which opened Priego Square in 1892. After studying for several days and consult with bullfighting professionals, both businessmen, bullfighters and journalists, we give an affirmative answer and we get down to work.
On January 24, 2011 presented in the Check In Hall we offer, of course, with the interests of Miura and a cartel formed by Rafaelillo, Juan José Padilla and Curro Jiménez. But that was our surprise! when in the second week of February, the fourth point of the "mini statement" that brought us the City to the companies that had shown interest in hosting the celebration of the reopening, says: "The livestock must be Miura, the same who opened the place in 1892. "
Once filed at City Hall our new offer, of course with the Miura, such as "required" the aforementioned mini statement, it did get to the press and it was here when, to our surprise, began a battery of abuse, insults and even covert pressures, yes, as it sounds, by certain persons closely linked to local matador, so that they make every effort to ensure that the livestock were not the re-opening. Then came the bid and surprise!, Other three included the "dreaded" Miura.
These gentlemen, we can only tell you that if you do not want this, you are neither bulls nor anything, and you have to do is dedicate to clean the dirty laundry of his home and not others. We have been ashamed
Others to be told that by raising the Miura run, we're two "murderers", or we want out of the way to local matador and cut his career, which have already been ordered to cut others with their mismanagement ...
But continue with what happened on February 5 when, from this company, we got on the phone with the matador Curro Jiménez, personally asking if there was a problem on their part to kill the bullfight. His answer was the same at four companies that have included in their offerings: "There is no problem."
So who are these guys to keep pushing for Miura not come to Priego?. The last straw is that the very possession of the bullfighter, Mr. Paco Barba, submitted a bid with the Miura and, oh surprise!, With Curro Jiménez. What's going on here?. Why play if you yourself have entered the game?.
Enough of threats, insults and defamatory and let you work for firms that have submitted their bids, until it produces the desired award, which will hopefully be soon. Steps From Taurinas
want to thank all the fans of France, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Extremadura and our Andalusia, who have been in contact with us in supporting this initiative and, above all, the City of Priego, who has relied on his "mini statement, and to all national newspapers, provincial and local levels, have also supported this initiative which we hope will become reality next March 20.
We want the contractor to conduct a proceeding and the City, which has been well advised on this issue, do not be swayed by anyone.
insist on our part, we have never wanted to cut the path of Curro Jiménez, quite the contrary, we have supported more than a few that are around.
In short, time is what gives the reason and puts each one in its place, as the bull. "


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