Friday, February 25, 2011

Jonh Deere 300 Snowmobile

fallacious arguments to build the superhighway and second floors of peripherals.

Different arguments have been given the City government and the companies involved to build the Supervia and second floors. However, if one reviews with a bit of detail, you will not argue in any way, so it is possible to regard them as fallacies.

1. If the works are constructed to collapse the west of the city traffic. In the history of mankind there is no city that has collapsed from vehicular traffic. Beijing, China, may be the best example of a bottleneck several days, with a length of 100 km long , and that the city did not collapse. Although there have built a number of new streets and highways, traffic has only increased in recent years with the growth of vehicle fleet.

Source: The Economist .

In this situation the Chinese authorities are opting for limit the number of licenses , among other measures, to discourage car use.

2. Failure to build the superhighway and second floors will miss the competitiveness of the city. Cities and Seoul in South Korea, demolished the second floor and by no means ceased to be competitive . By contrast, the recovery of public space brought about major investments in the space recovered. It is clear that the per capita GDP Seoul is $ 29,700 (PPP) while Mexico City is $ 20,400 (PPP) in 2008. Competitiveness is not achieved with urban highways.

3. "There are eight kilometers of a second floor, nothing more than what was paid for by taxpayers and used as 3.5 percent of the population because it is over, so what should I do?, then finish the second floor "Marcelo Ebrard. (Source here )

In San Francisco, USA, was demolished Embarcadero urban highway, considered a highway to nowhere. As in the case of Seoul, the recovery of public space brought a new economic dynamic, which was not lost competitiveness, or collapse due to traffic.

4. are works to build a leading city. This type of work are actually inspired by the model Futurama city, proposed in 1939 World's Fair in Detroit. One of the first built was the second floor Boston, USA, which after 9 years was totally saturated, and it was decided to demolish the last decade.

5. benefit the whole west of the city. This book really focuses on developing free traffic for Santa Fe, which is a fraction of the west of Mexico City.

6. If not built SuperVia be lost 1.000 billion pesos. This is certainly true, however, is a specious argument since the monetary criteria take precedence over the respect for human rights, citizen participation and enforcement. Do you really want a city with an unjust government?

7. has been given all the information Supervía . This is false, since there is no public access to information financial calculations and works programs of supervision.

8. is a work supported by 22 thousand signatures , so it should be. Although there are such firms, it is absurd for this reason be built, especially laws were violated when public participation . In other words, these firms postjustificatorias.

9. The "neighbors" of Santa Fe Supervía support. The Neighborhood Association of Santa Fe's really a private-public trust, which is chaired by Director of Haua Sergio COPRI , one of the builders of the superhighway and developer of the Summit of Santa Fe ( http: / / ) on a property 85 hectares (on Avenue of the poets) and Garden Underground Mall This latest project is rejected by the residents of Santa Fe , as the GDF privatized the public square only to build a mall.

10. The urban motorway (superhighway second floor) is a part of a comprehensive plan for city mobility. There is no plan or program of mobility for the city developed prior to these projects, where they pose to data and studies, and it is noteworthy that the experts behind these projects do not appear .


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