Sunday, February 13, 2011

Serena Snelling Calendar

"The hunger and famine WORLD COME ON THE DEFAULT"

"The hunger and famine TURN THE DEFAULT OF THE WORLD"
With the firm objective to invite reflection on identifying not only the problem that has united thousands of people and brought them out into the streets to express their claim, but also to identify the "enemy" in common with the protagonists of social movements arising throughout the world originated by the scarcity of food product of economic and social policies that favor the export of food companies and national vulnerability to the field of urban development towards industry as an engine of human development and economic growth.

Mexico, said on Monday 31 January, remains to be seen whether the requirement will echo and attack the real enemy of the world ...

this situation and to further expose the policy of extermination that many governments seem to have, I would send the interview carried out by correspondent Gustavo Capdevila News Agency Inter Press Service (IPS), a Janaina Brazilian peasant activist STRONZAKE entitled "
Hunger and famine ignite the rebellion in the world"
who talks about it and more.

GENEVA, Jan 31 (IPS) - Rising food prices leading to hunger, one of the causes of popular revolts in Tunisia, Egypt and other countries due to financial speculation and not a lack of arable land, said Janaina Stronzake, the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST) in Brazil. The shortage of basic necessities and hunger are used as weapons that end up forcing people to take specific behaviors, said Stronzake, who in addition to integrating national coordination represents MST Via Campesina, a joint global movements of rural workers.

Brazilian activist said of the role of peasants in times of food crisis in conversation with IPS, a high participation in the meeting organized by the Geneva Federation for Cooperation, Saturday and Sunday in the Swiss city.

Q: What do you attribute this shock at the price of food?

JS: The issue of prices and food shortages or famine, it is always a complex issue with multiple causes and a number of key factors.

attribute, as is done rising food prices to the people of China and India are feeding now seems too simplistic. It's like saying, well, if we pay more is because of Indians and Chinese. And this is not true.

IPS: Is that perhaps lack of food in the world?
JS: We have capacity in the world to produce food, and of sufficient quality to all people, without resorting to dubious technologies, as the case of GMOs.

In Brazil we have 120 million hectares of uncultivated. In other words, to produce more not be taking land in the Amazon, you do not upset the environment nor destroy the forests. All it takes is a decent land reform, appropriate, to ensure conditions for peasants continue to occur.

Q: So what is the cause of all this?
JS: One of the factors
fundamental to the price increase is financial speculation.
is because foods are considered commodities and are traded in the stock futures markets.

Q: Who benefits from speculation?
TNCs take advantage of it, play and use the hunger of the people and profit.
To prove enough to compare between the rise of food prices and graphics of earnings and profits of large corporations. For example, between 2004 and 2008 witnessed a series of clashes, riots, attacking populations in search of food supermarkets while increases in food.
During that time, the benefits of Syngenta, which is a major global agricultural companies, jumped from U.S. $ 6,000 million to 11,000 million. So while the famine punished the stock, pocketing the greatest benefit transnational corporations.

IPS: How is evidenced by the policies of these companies?

JS: By the way businesses want to structure the agricultural production capacity by removing the people through water control, seeds and intellectual property products, in addition to grabbing the best land. Also

from control of the market. Today there are 10 firms that dominate most of the soybean market, corn and sugar cane

IPS: How does the peasant movement to increases in food prices?
JS: With much concern, because they respond to a whole integrated system.

thinker Zygmunt Bauman, of Polish origin, speaks for example of human waste. He says it's as if people over the world and we must do something with it. One way is to starve, as there is work for everyone.

With the new technologies of production and there is no need for so many arms to work. Then this excess population should disappear. Not because they can feed, but because within the capitalist system does not generate or consume. They therefore tend to disappear. And one way is this, that starve with this type of crisis.

Q: What about other forms?

JS: Another way is the business of prisons, privatization of the prison system.

In times of acute crisis, people tend to crime for survival. From there come the theft and all crimes, then the prisons are privatized and become a profitable business.

Companies receive state bonds to install, manage and benefit from the work of inmates. That is very reminiscent of the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.
This system is spreading around the world. In Brazil, some state governments to begin right now to try and make the process of privatization of prisons.

Q: There are just methods of extermination

No, the issue of war is also associated
. As war may remain, as in the Democratic Republic of Congo, without a famine that forces people to move and act as mercenary soldiers.
There looks like hunger and high food prices are used as weapons to force people to accept certain behaviors. To this must be added other forms of crime such as trafficking in weapons, drugs, women and human organs. All interconnected in a system that generates few benefits for companies. Q: What is your opinion of international trade agreements covering food products?

JS: La Via Campesina claims that foods are not in agreement that promotes the WTO (World Trade Organization). Can not be regarded as mere commodities. All
Mankind needs food and we must ensure a minimum for everyone, regardless of their economic conditions. And that does not happen only by welfare policies, for example, UNICEF (United Nations Fund for Children).

Ride the need to empower people from their own community to ensure and produce food. This is food sovereignty.
Q: What do you expect from the negotiations of the Doha Round of WTO promotes, with a chapter on global agricultural trade reform?

JS: Those negotiations did not include us. We take into account simply as a tendency to the disappearance of peasants and farmers.

But the point is that this disappearance carries the risk of food shortages because the agro-business, big business, those discussed in the Doha Round can be secured only by a period an amount of food, but his concern is only about their own income.

If you like to know other information sections of the same agency (IPS) I refer the web address


"The root causes of major human changes are not in the circles of scholars, rooted in the aspirations of the simple. They are the disinherited of the earth who have pursued more vigorously the ideal and who have developed the good in which we live. are the infinitely small, dark deep sea of \u200b\u200bthe poor, who founded the future "
Paul Deschanel
Movement descreces UNAM"
http:// descreces .


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