Friday, March 25, 2011

Payne Plus 90 Furnace Secondary Heat Exchanger


Five days after Sunday's livestock mess with time to reflect and, above all, to confirm and compare various data, I will try to sort some of my impressions, very special indeed what happened with Yerbabuena.

If I remember correctly, several days before they officially announced the lineup of the opening, not opening as some have tried to sell us down the drain pulling 119 years of history, and overtook that livestock would be that of Mr. Ortega Cano not many fans giving credit to what I was saying, first because it was supposed to be Miura and secondly because The result of this currency was leaving much to be desired. So, the day of the above presentation, when I saw the sign posted July cattle Gate, my heart leaped with joy, especially because I like the cattle and because Priego, still remember the great bull jabonero, Caesar's name, which will cut Spartacus September 3, 1989 two ears and tail and be in force the new regulation would certainly pardoned. So just out there I got in touch, thanks to my good colleague in the information tasks Salvador Giménez, Julio Gate to visit the Valdivia and do a story about the bulls that would deal in Priego, our move to the farm of the farmer in Seville on Saturday 5 March. Several days before, and started rumors that the corrida de Julio de la Puerta Priego not come back taking the weight of Yerbabuena, something that the company said, curiosities of life in the way back from Osuna to Priego, and was confirmed three days later when he placed the official posters of the celebration.

could not understand, or better, I did not understand what had happened, because the run that was scheduled for July Priego was very good looking, especially several bulls with much rennet and serious, and is also a herd which had the approval of all members of the cartel. Well, not all of all, because apparently, and I say, apparently, the manager of Mr. Rivera began to make trouble. But that's another story.

Anyway, when it was official Yerbabuena livestock that would deal in Priego the reopening celebration of Las Canteras, I set to work to find information of all kinds, for he had come to my attention that several bulls that would be Priego, probably, and I say probably because they were in Montoro last October at the festival which was suspended by rain. So taking data from here, others there and moving Rome to Santiago, we learn which two years left Castilblanco de los Arroyos, namely the farm where the cattle graze the property of Mr. Ortega Cano, a lot of Salamanca eral direction, specifically Matilla of the Sewers, coincidences of life, owned farm seized one of the slickest intervene in Priego, namely Mr. Matilla, that we understand and in the vernacular, so I have learned in recent days, also with his other pursuits is engaged the rearing of wild cattle, and also owned cattle grazing on other farms as Mari Carmen Camacho oh! surprise, and Toros de San Miguel, which is managed livestock court.

Of course, all these were nothing more assumptions until Saturday morning when I was about to witness the landing, I parked on the plaza outside the restored truck that brought the cattle belonged to a company in Salamanca ( Marga García Varas), to be exact with headquarters in the town of Sancti Spiritus, a few miles from the Cabaco, the term in which livestock are located Mr. Matilla, confirming a phone call the number on the door, the animals had left the site and to make matters worse, it was the usual business with the employer-farmer-agent and recriador bravo moved cattle owned cattle.

course, all of a sudden began to tie ropes that confirmed my worst suspicions. The bull fiddle in its purest essence. Animals who left two years ago and returned eral Andalusia as bulls now, as I have confirmed this week officials of the Ministry of Agriculture. The owner of a bull about to rot, which in turn is representative of one of the bullfighters acartelado and to make matters worse, is one of those who run the roost in the Fiesta, has enough power to say what he fights and who he fights, pulled down in Priego such gift, because otherwise, either that or nothing. So the employer, to remain silent and jump through hoops, or otherwise, no more silly soup. By the way, we are still waiting for an official explanation of the change in farming, so we can shuffle the hypothesis or not Fandi liked or did not like Rivera or employer-livestock-guardian and cattle recriador had to put as a run that he had been suspended and he was going to eat potatoes soon. I opted for the latter.
And of course, when they began to go down one truck to one of the supposedly Yerbabuena and Carmen Camacho, as I say, at least owners of the celebration was two years of their lives on land charro, and hats were also a season for those parts, the disappointment was brutal, first by the makings (bulls ugly and rough, uneven than not) and second by the strange behavior of some of them very nervous for the peace I would say there is breathing, both day after being enchiquerados landing as Sunday, so much so that yesterday I could see in the plaza the most damage caused in the pens, some of some consideration.

I do a small section before entering the theme of the horns, to ask if I was checked by the competent authority, I hope so and I believe, the guidelines of these bulls livestock identification and exploitation origin cattle, guidelines should be signed at La Fuente de San Esteban, Salamanca Province, since otherwise we would be talking about a fake and that are already big words. But let

. After the source and the horns came makings. God of my life!. In the past ten years, in which I travel with my camera lie down most places in the province of Jaén occasional few of Granada and other fixed and portable, had not seen a thing. Shaving, if I say so clear, if course or milks, shaving is the most blatant I've seen in my life. I could not believe it I was seeing, and unless the veterinary authority of the celebration and give the recognition that for good. But these people do not have eyes or is that also part of the vicious circle?. Do not they drop their heads in shame when the lords veterinarians in other similar places category pull back an entire run of "apparent lack of fine appearance" or suspicions of manipulation?. And the President, the highest authority in the recognition, said nothing?. Did you find it some pins to those who were missing several centimeters and in some cases (the number 80 was on duty court), were more blunt that arranged for shank?. Have you applied for post mortem analysis of these animals?. No, neither opened his mouth and shut up the most cowardly way possible.
The result we saw all day after the ring. A real shame!, A disgrace to Priego, as well was confirmed a day after most of the criticisms of the festival in a number of media (with the exceptions of the palm as always, to that dance with the ugliest do not like anything at all). Numerous websites and blogs bull's (without wasting any article published on the subject by Salvador Giménez in Córdoba blog Taurine) and even the Union of Bullfighting subscribers and cried to heaven Córdoba and expressed their profound disagreement with what happened in Priego.

And for the fans, after nine years waiting for such a special moment, because they want to tell them. A real slap in the mouth, as many are passing me these days, limited to the deepest of the resignations at what they saw and hopefully will not have negative consequences in future celebrations.

I dare not imagine what he would think of such an aberration, Manuel Brenes, eventually director of Games and Entertainment Board, who witnessed live from Shadow barrier a celebration, which took dyes comedy when one of the matadors were allowed to ask it changed the bull, because according to the above, the animal could not see. Green Pañolazo and keep you up to these cheeky roll.

conclusion to this mess I can only add that in Priego have had occasion to suffer in our own meats a cause, but the main one is doing more damage to the Party: the bull fiddle bull by themselves. That sickening practice that corrupts the essence of this ritual, which cripples the animals shaving it blatantly, replacing farms with no arguments, and most importantly, deceiving the public under their noses, it must stop now. We must unmask it has to be reported and should be severely punished, because otherwise, the snack is loaded in a few years.

So, gentlemen, we are very, very wrong and either put a stop to this, or is anti away with it, thanks to that evil, that cancer will end up destroying everything is in our own house, as shown in Priego.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tinnitus And Facet Syndrome

The # wikibanqueta for # wikiciudad

Action taken as part of Walk, do city!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How Big Should Tv Stand Be

COPRI Urbanism for social exclusion.

COPRI is a company that should be blamed for promoting an urban development model focused on the car, which generates social exclusion and unsustainable, under the cover of pseudo-left government of DF (AMLO and Ebrard). Four examples of this are emblematic of this: Cumbres de Santa Fe, Avenida de los Poetas, Undeground Garden Mall and Supervia.

Cumbres de Santa Fe and others (see list at end of post) are designed for social exclusion (its proponents say, "Exclusivity") by a closed, highly controlled and only accessible by private car. They thought of every comfort for their inhabitants could be reached by car, but nowhere to the masons who built the development, or to people that work there (domestic workers, security personnel, gardeners, etc.) and not have private car. Even less for those living within the development, are invited to walk and bike in the same, but never out of it. And no more talk of destruction of gullies and ravines to make these luxury developments .

Via: Tlacoyodefrijol .

Meanwhile, Poets Avenue Bridge was built in 2004 by the same property in exchange 38 hectares that were assets of Federal District, to provide access to new development of the Summit of Santa Fe with a total of 85 acres of canyons and hills, without thinking about building sidewalks or ascent and descent bays for public transport in the entry luxury subdivisions or the cemetery. Therefore, it is typical to observe workers at various times walking along the avenue to reach a second, and to address public transport, or waiting at the exits of these luxury developments, in order to take a minibus or bus.

A road meant only in the car, location that generates social exclusion ipso-facto, and why not, a road named after poets (Jaime Sabines bridges, Ocatvio Paz and Carlos Pellicer) that undermine his artistic legacy and the typical lifestyle of the poets, one which social coexistence, in squares, streets, parks and walking on foot is essential. Well said Hector Manjarrez in Letras Libres :

"It is for this reason that I allow myself to appeal to all Mexican poets to add in their wills with lyrics purple, a clause that read something like: "When the authorities, employers who are committed to Mexico and the United Society decided to award my name somewhere in the city, you may be subject only to a nice park, a beautiful place, a charming little street or, if possible , the Zocalo in the city. "

For the poets, when they are in life, are found sitting in cafes and bars and squares, or lying in bedrooms and parks. And when they're dead and you want to find, one certainly not evoked or invoked in a series of giant bridges for vehicles only, but in a beautiful bridge and full of memories, their own and others, where one kissed him and left a great love, or something else happened without a name. "

people waiting outside SUMMIT OF SANTA FE TRANSIT.

Moreover, the company managed to disappear the only public square in the center of the new Santa Fe, a place that used to be used by different people in the area, including temporary construction empelaron to eat, rest or relax, to the inability to pay for their food in one of the restaurants in the area. The public square, should become a private and commercial center will be built Garden Underground Mall in the same, with 1,600 parking spaces.

Road: Santa Fe Park Our

The Supervía West is the latest example. A quota urban highway to be built will destroy green areas Tarango and La Loma Park, sports fields and park the Eagles popular cologne ( La Malinche ) so that it can connect with their luxury developments in Santa Fe connection Avenue Bridge with the Poets. Undoubtedly the best example of its development model focused on urban development and focused on luxury cars, a model that generates social exclusion and requires expansion of green areas, public spaces and lower-income strata. A private business model property over the public good.

Via: works in my city. See also
stroke also Contralínea .

corollary, the same Santa Fe urban development is planned by the Homeowners Association Santa Fe , private association that is composed of large companies based in this place and its implementation. This association is chaired by Sergio Haua, chief marketing COPRI group. No doubt the ideal company to lead this neoliberal urban project focused on the private car and social exclusion on the rest of the city and its sustainability.

Red Italian Coffee Tables


Menuda is rolling on the planet bull with the embarrassing spectacle last Sunday in Priego. I leave with a statement that I just came from the Union and Amateurs Subscribers Bullfighting in Cordoba, among other things, is to do this, report what was clearly an outrage for the Fiesta.

"The Union of Bullfighting subscribers and Cordoba would like to congratulate the Municipal authorities of Priego de Córdoba for their efforts for the redevelopment and recovery of their Centenary Square was reopened last March 22.
Notwithstanding this Association deeply regrets the depressing spectacle offered by the Company from the beginning, truncating the iconic farming interest with a patch of the cheapest on the market. We believe that a city like Priego not deserve this treatment, as does not deserve an inaugural run based on a poor animal presentation, invalid, lacking a suspicious breed and integrity of their defenses. And we suspect because thanks to the inaction of the administration will never know if there is manipulation in the horns, which in accordance with regulations would constitute fraud. As is mandatory
bulls before the fight were recognized by the veterinary team and approved by the competent authority to ignore not only his fists and blunt as very low length of the horns but also the odd defect in my sight.
Once again the tandem of unscrupulous businessmen, farmers shoddy and parents of alleged figures given away with the illusion of an entire people, yes with a high cost for the amateur pocket is the only injured all this nonsense.
again becomes clear that bulls themselves are the ones pounding and ending, little by little, with the bullfighting. At some point, someone will remedy and that is what, from the Union of subscribers and Amateur Bullfighting in Cordoba, we demand that the authorities, practicing as such and put things in place. "

I Need A Speech For My 60th

embarrassing spectacle STAFF PRIEGO BULLRING made a donation to Caritas Interparroquial

The reopening of the plaza de toros de Priego continues to generate numerous news, although this may be one that should have more impact on the solidarity of the same character.
Staff held last Sunday at Las Canteras organizational tasks, gates, pens, flags, sanders, bugles and carpenters, have unanimously decided to donate the bonus which the company has done to each one for performing the tasks involved in the cited celebration
Although the amount is not very high because it is not a salary, but a $ 10 personal gratification, personal gesture of the square is at least noteworthy and certainly worthy of more than taurine cheers, should be an example for other groups. Outline
finally that the donation will go to Caritas Interparroquial of Priego.

25th Birthday Quotes Blog


The lounge Rinconcillo II welcomed on Saturday the sixth edition of the conference organized by the rock bullfighting Curro Jimenez, who this year behind its usual time of celebration to coincide with the reopening of the plaza Priego Bulls. Front
the theme of previous years, those responsible for this event, raised for the occasion to hold a roundtable with the bull as an actor, counting with the presence of farmers Eduardo Miura, Salvador Gaviria, María Jesús Gualda, Aurelio and Antonio Hernando Ammianus, representatives of virtually all livestock encastes founding bulls, ie Cabrera (Miura), Raso del Portillo (Gavira), Vazquez (Aurelio Hernando) and two of his Vistahermosa branches, Arias de Saavedra-Murube (Antonio Ammianus) and Santacoloma-Groin (Maria Jesus Gualda), speaking as chairman Salvador Giménez, bullfighting critic and connoisseur of wild field.
An interesting and dynamic debate in which, among other issues, participants expressed their views on the poorly recognized and to some extent unknown biodiversity in the wild race, the particularity of each encastes represented at the symposium, the impact of current legislation regarding health issues, sanitation, etc., the treatment it receives from wild livestock management and regional and national differences between France and Spain as far as requirements relating with the bull (fine appearance, size, mobility, etc.) refers.
Following the roundtable, which included a large influx of fans, many of them from other towns in the region, marked the start of the Socio Tribute Dinner, desserts proceeding in the delivery of gifts to different farmers participating in the symposium, as well as right-hander David Fandila Granada El Fandi, in the company of his friend and owner of the rock, Curro Jiménez, shared with partners a great evening taurine.

Monday, March 21, 2011

M Chambers Behind The Green Door


Mexico City, March 21, 2011

Mexico City is a megalopolis of 20 million inhabitants. A megalopolis with a huge range of health services and education, a rich cultural offer great investment opportunities and economic growth, and attractions that offer an enormous potential for quality of life for all its inhabitants.

However, recent policies Governments of the Federal District and Mexico State have focused on promoting urban development focused on the car . City This model is not sustainable in the long term and is exclusive of much of the population. autocentric This model threatens the construction of public space and the enjoyment of the City for all. also has negative consequences for social interaction, tolerance and the actual construction of citizenship and democracy .

construction of streets, roads and urban highways with exclusive spaces for the car (without removing sidewalks and green space) are a demonstration of auto-focused model for people. Only people have enough income to purchase an automobile are able to use and take precedence in these public spaces.

Instead, the city on foot ends ordinary risking their lives in these spaces get home, work or places to meet their needs. The denied the right to live in the city and interact with others in public space.

City seems more interested in the flow of traffic on the welfare of its inhabitants. Pave or cover potholes becomes a priority, while the sidewalks are few and small neglected by policy and budget. They are in deplorable conditions, with broken pavement, with holes, with barriers to pedestrian and poles light, signage, telephones, etc.). Much of the sidewalks are kidnapped and parking cars. The pedestrian crossings are not maintained and the construction of pedestrian bridges to give preference to the car are examples of policies that favor a small sector of its own benefit.

# WikiCiudad Citizen Intervention in Poets Puente, Santa Fe
The car, whose speed is many times lower than that of a pedestrian becomes a capsule of selfishness, a place isolated from the others and the environment. Behind the wheel, people think they have more rights than others, simply by owning a car. A motorist gets used to look down on pedestrians, bicycles, skateboards, as well as sidewalks and green spaces. A few privileged easily intolerant of other decisions also despise most and come to the authoritarianism that benefits them, they open more streets to go faster. Therefore, a motorist, suffering and do not enjoy the City, undermines democracy and freedom of other citizens.

The opportunity to walk in the City, regardless of whether it is a child, disabled, old, man or woman, in a safe and enjoyable is a right that every inhabitant of this city should enjoy.

# WikiCiudad Citizen Intervention in Poets Puente, Santa Fe
Navigating the City enjoying it, watching and living in the same space with others helps to create a supportive and tolerant citizenry, which is in the eyes of a democratic way of equals.

real estate and construction companies are largely responsible for this co-segregated and Cold City. Boosts housing developments whose logic of fear and distrust is sold as an exclusive. closed only be accessed by private cars, isolate their inhabitants from all ties with the city: the grocery store, a tortilla, coffee, stationery.
Cumbres de Santa Fe, development of COPRI
Street, indispensable link between the various population centers, is now a path for the driver and an edge for pedestrians.

estate are the same companies who are looking for cheap land on the periphery, expanding the city so unsustainable, and encouraging more urban streets and highways to accommodate the transportation needs of its customers potential. In the search business lack of business ethics leads to destroy neighborhoods, public spaces, forests, streams and build roads out of space for pedestrians or bicycles.

citizens do not count for them, Only customers who promise all kinds of amenities provided and subsequently sell defraud the lack of water, access to public services, traffic and deterioration in quality of life.

A paradigm shift on urban development in this city is fundamental. The recovery of the street and public space has the mission to develop fruitful links of mutual recognition and solidarity. How We Built City affects also the own democratic development of our country.

For these reasons, as citizens who yearn for another country, we want to build another city, today exercise this ciudanía.

citizenship immediately recover the sidewalk for pedestrians democratic and green areas City.

Under the slogan of # WikiCiudad , citizens build urban policies and mobility from down and collectively.

We seek to build a City compact, sustainable, less car-dependent, with public spaces .

a lively city with an active, tolerant and supportive.

a sustainable city with face human.

# WikiCiudad Citizen Intervention in Poets Bridge , Santa Fe

What Is The Loudest Subwoofer 2009


I leave this little assembly, which is gathered from the first pictures that are stored on the date of opening of the plaza de toros de Priego (August 7, 1892) to the final held on Saturday, after remodeling Flament.

2010 Where Feline Distemper

Poets Bridge, excluding the pedestrian.

"... it is possible to see in Santa Fe Summit splitting which is currently under construction, the large influx of construction workers walking through the Bridges of Poets. Here there are no provisions to regulate the transit of people that work there. workers no choice but to return to their working hours, have to walk all the way from the bridges that have no curb , was the location of the nearest bus workers walk ... them in danger of being beaten or hit by a car. "

Pérez Negrete, Margartia (2010) Santa Fe: City Space and Globalization , Universidad Iberoamericana, 179 pp.

Building Inspection Templates


Earned: Peppermint five bulls and one of Mari Carmen Camacho, struggled as a hat in fourth place, uneven presentation, cornicortos and very tight in force, being the first drag pitados four bis and sixth. The horrific confinement saved the third, he took with greed and deceit continuity, being applauded in drag. Francisco Rivera
'Paquirri': prick and thrust (silence), and three punctures ending the bull throwing (clapping).
David Fandila 'El Fandi': thrust lying (one ear with a strong request for the second and anger to the box), and estoconazo (two ears with a strong request of tail).
Curro Jiménez: lunge looks out the ribs and a half lunge (one ear) and thrust (one ear).
Plaza: Priego (The Quarry). Three quarters of entry into late spring. The

Yerbabuena were yesterday in Priego the bitter herb that reopening the bullring in the town, closed to the public since March 2002 and submitted in nine years to intense remodeling.
And that is again resorting to this, the bulls got the lime, showing behavior in some cases very strange and others went to the last third of the reserve completely exhausted, so that the tasks were reduced to mere attempts, that yes, very well decorated and generously rewarded. Hence, despite the willingness of the public and the good of the bullfighters, it was virtually impossible to such material the desired result of reopening pass down as a great evening of fights, but the output on the shoulders of the Fandi and local bullfighter Curro Jiménez can say otherwise.
Interestingly, the whimsical story Jimenez wanted to go with a very great pressure since the announcement of this festival, which had in his hand the best bull of the afternoon, an animal Noblot beam after the third came up and made it possible the prieguense caught on a more than acceptable task, very well bullfighter and knowing what was at stake. Curro learned to take a large python law and reel off several rounds with great rhythm and settled bullfighting where the long journey took advantage of the bull, humbling and deceptions continued without protest, although the change hands, the task lost many integers, so much so that to recover on the minds of lying, had to return to the right hand of each series and season with various ornaments. A shame the ugly lunge left off before his opponent finalize, depriving it of the second ear.
that closed in the plaza, with a nod out of steam very upset and almost since he jumped into the fray, trying Jimenez could only be justified on both horns, as his opponent was on the defensive at all times. Hence the thrust effective prescribing more than enough to reward will again test pumps, local bullfighter demonstrated again in a quote from so many and such great responsibility. Jiménez
And with his great partner and friend, David Fandila The Fandi, took the cat into the water, and accompanied at its output prieguense shoulders, thanks to increased trade and especially the three ears were his large basket and that might be more, according to the massive petition the Hon. In any event trophies, it must be said, resting on two spectacular flags and two thirds of chores like cutting crutch, with numerous outbursts, arrimones, turnstiles, lunges, and ornaments, as neither the second nor the fifth week gave for something else, because of its apparent lack of strength and in the case of the second of his lot, mobility.
Finally, Francisco Rivera, who noted with pinwheels in their two enemies, went unnoticed by Priego, first by lack of material in the first, one after hitting the wall in Yerbabuena flags would have none at all, while his fourth encore, a hat of Mari Carmen Camacho that he saw good things in the first two thirds, a tremendous somersault over the animal, to which Rivera, with his crutch, sold a mock slaughter tended full of ornaments and rudeness and without anything of substance, like much of the afternoon of the desired reopening.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

When Is Mt Period Suppose To Come On



By Florent Marcellesi *, published in The Ecologist, no. 65.

Preserving the planet and ensure environmental and social justice today and tomorrow in both the North and South, should be a priority objective of international cooperation. This article revisits the latter through the prism of 8RS decrease and "re-evaluate, conceptualize, restructure, rearrange, relocate, reduce, reuse, recycle" (Latouche, 2009).

1. Reassessing and reconceptualizing

Despite the existence of 'human development' does not exist in international cooperation and realizing systematic reflection to introduce the ecological crisis, poverty interactions / environment or human rights / environment, vision transgenerational or clear relationship between welfare human health and ecosystems (Marcellesi, Palacios, 2008). Furthermore, in a world marked by the North-South ecological interdependence, the degree of growth that have reached the North, and its current maintenance, would not have been possible without the exploitation of the environment and human resources of the South. Thus, cooperation focused on sustainability and ecological economics based is both an ethical obligation as a real need for the countries of Norte.En this context, international cooperation has to revolve around a "model of contraction and convergence" where all countries will mark a common horizon: a production and material and energy consumption limited to the carrying capacity of the biosphere and per capita distributed fairly. (1) This implies:
A selective decrease in fair (or structural adjustment) of the countries in North and contraction necessary condition but not enough to help in solidarity and sustainable development to the south.
A socio-eco-efficient development for developing countries, convergence, without going through the box of evil "western development but with a growth law where possible and desirable.

2. Restructuring international cooperation

addition to recycling and reusing the North-South cooperation (See point 6), it is important to back the multi-directional cooperation. To colonize, without romanticism, the imaginary cooperating, it is essential to promote a structured way of a new wave of South-North ("reverse") that directly or indirectly made southern populations Northern populations and can provide latter forms relate to each other and their environment.

In this way, are of great interest to the experiences as seed banks in India, sustainable management of common property by indigenous communities, (2) the concepts of "good life" or "de-development" we come from Ecuador, astronomical knowledge, biological and geographical Mexican peasants and agro-ecosystems democratic representation of nature and living things in the indigenous populations of North America. South-North cooperation can take many forms, which remain largely unexplored: seminars, trainings, including organizations within North South representatives with full voting rights, etc.

addition, this restructuring goes through the actual application of the principle of "policy coherence" for all the efforts of a country going in the same direction just and sustainable. Supposed to end the "anticooperación (LLIST, 2009), ie all those actions taken to and from the North whose effects are directly or indirectly harmful to the South. Today, this anticooperación is much higher than the positive effects of cooperation whose real sense, based on an overall positive contribution from North to South (and vice-versa), we have recovered.

3. Ecological debt redistribute

Northern countries have incurred an ecological debt and growth (Mosangini, 2007) with the South which far exceeds the economic debt to pay the South to the North. In addition to the claims classic (the 0.7, the cancellation of external debt), that forces us to reshape the financing of international cooperation through several complementary ways:
not anticooperación investment projects by the North.
20% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for projects focusing on the ecological crisis.
No investment in projects that do not incorporate in a cross the green factor.
5% of ODA to South-North projects.
The implementation of mechanisms to compensate for the ecological debt of 0.7 different traditional (3).
A budget for North-North oriented 'setting western structural. "

4. Relocation of cooperation: South-South / North / North

South-South cooperation and building suggests a relocation of the processes of (post) development through enhanced cooperation at the regional level, between (ex) autonomous peripheries the (former) center. It is a way to regain the skills and traditional knowledge, and build their own way without interference from the Global North.

For North-North and since the urgency is going through a structural adjustment in industrialized countries, it is necessary to think of A) a reformulation of the "development education" to an "education to live better with less"; B) the cooperative exchange of initiatives such as the transition movement to think about key post-oil.

5 Reduce ecological footprint ... maintaining the HDI

dominates cooperation in the human development index (HDI). Despite being more comprehensive than GDP due to relevant aspects such as education and life expectancy of the population, the HDI is not enough because it does not take into account the ecological problems. Therefore it poses a double challenge: the North are able to maintain a Human Development Index (HDI) of more than 0.8 with an ecological footprint below 2.1 global hectares per capita and the South achieve their HR increase to levels above 0.8 and remain below their ecological footprint of 2.1 gha / hb (4) (see Chart 1).

6 Reuse and recycle the traditional North-South cooperation

Considering the above points mentioned and to allow convergence from the south, it is necessary to integrate into the daily practices of cooperation North-South sustainability, both on a sectoral and horizontal.

From the sector, the implementation of projects, whose main objectives are to combat crisis eco-and mitigation-is emerging as a strategic axis of any international cooperation policy appropriate to the socio-ecological challenges of the XXI century. For these projects gain the prominence they deserve, it is of utmost importance to consider the protection and enhancement of ecosystems, and in a broader ecological distribution conflicts, as an objective in itself for international cooperation.

Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that sustainability horizontally should be included in a comprehensive way in all development projects. It is equally important to the ecology than other classical horizontal issues as gender mainstreaming and human rights. The mainstreaming of sustainability implies that all plans, programs and projects (in all its stages: identification, formulation, implementation and evaluation) take into account some basic concepts and principles: the relationship between human wellbeing and ecosystem services, respect for biophysical limits, regeneration and assimilation capacity of ecosystems, using suitable indicators, environmental impact assessment, etc.

Article based on paper by the same author "International cooperation in the light of the decrease selective and fair" presented at the II International Congress on Decrease in Barcelona 24-26 March 2010. * Florent Marcellesi

is an expert in international cooperation and sustainability, Florent Marcellesi is center coordinator and a member of Bakeaz ecopolitics.

Serge Latouche (2009): Small decrease treaty serene, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bIcaria
Llista David, (2009): Anticooperación. North-South interference: the problems of the Global South will not be solved with more international aid, Icaria, Barcelona
Marcellesi Florent, Igone Palacios (2008): Integration considerations of sustainability in development cooperation, Bakeaz, Bilbao.
Mosangini, Giorgio (2007): Debt growth, on Cooperation Col.lectiu d'Estudis i Desenvolupament.


(1) For example, all people have equal rights to emit CO2 into the planet's absorptive capacity: 0.5 tCO2 per capita annual (total emissions in 1990: 3,350 million tCO2) . However, by way of example, in 2006 the United States issued 19t per capita, a English 8c and a Mozambican only 0.1 t.

(2) See the work of Elinor Ostrom, Nobel laureate in economics in 2009.

(3) Be careful not to be confused with the voluntary compensation of CO2 that can never 'compensate' past emissions (see Marcellesi, Pérez Dueñas (2010): "Think before you make up, little guidance for the voluntary market for emissions", in political ecology, n39)

(4) According to UNDP, a country with "high human development" has to be an HDI greater than 0.8. On the other hand, there are only 2.1 hectares of biologically productive space available per person on Earth. To be more precise, it must also take into account the bio-capacity of each area and region to see if the debtor or ecological creditor. More information: Living Planet Report 2008, WWF.

Grey/silver Labradors

bulls that PRIEGO

I leave any images of bulls that Priego lidirán this afternoon, six of them from the livestock owner (Yerbabuena) whose numbers are 72, 74, 100, 80, 92 and 38, while that the two hats (78 and 50) belong to Mari Carmen Camacho. Corrida ugly enough, three copies are authentic zambombones, hats and more anemic than I've seen even in portable space, but then God will say in regard to their behavior. Lastly
review only a little thing. If I were the president of the celebration and by the thing that has been bundled with Zalduendo and handling of a bull horn struggled in Sevilla, I would post-mortem analysis to several of these individuals, because what we saw yesterday, the work of Barber is a scandal.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fotos De Hannah Montana 2010


This documentary exploration of New York city is very good. Showing the hidden parts of this great city.

from Undercity Andrew Wonder on Vimeo .

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Priego Yesterday we got the shock of a "hoax" on the suspension of the bullfight scheduled for Sunday to celebrate the reopening of the Plaza de Priego. Bulo that was diluted as a sugar as the hours passed. Then, we find several posters as illustrating this post, in which a group of fans, supporters of the Arts, openly criticizing the above poster celebration for "uncouth, mediocre and media." What sounds to me that?.
Although not forms, but of course respecting freedom of expression, literally reproduce these fans show that even in a show of daring gastronomic succulent reject the rest of Granada tortilla. Still, I share with them some things, as I said in another post and comments on the magnanimous celebration of the historic March 20. And his reproach

"In the poster presentation of bulls for the opening of the Plaza de Toros de Priego, we feel obligated to express our strong disagreement with it. A place with 120 years of history , which have depressed the maximum albero bullfighters of all time, does not deserve a poster so parochial, mediocre and media. Thank God there are still many serious amateur Priego. We do not think this deserves Priego. It is a fraud, a Tramp. We want to show non-Arts. We do not want to go to the bulls with tortilla chips as in Granada.
For the Fiesta, Art.

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Sao Paulo, Brazil, and automobile-oriented design.

From what I have seen in Sao Paulo, Brazil, its design is highly geared to the private car. Streets, bridges, slopes, and so worthy designs Futurama ... or the creators of Urban Highway in the City. Here some images that capture the city and one that seems representative.

Octaivo Frias de Oliveira Bridge, Road: Skycraperlife

The Smallest Tent Trailer


The Brotherhood House of the Brotherhood of Sorrows in Cabra, yesterday welcomed the presentation of the festival on horseback with the company leasing the arena egabrense, Coso de los Califas SL, will open next April 23, Holy Saturday, beginning at 6 pm, the 2011 bullfighting season in town esdta the Subbética.

Antonio Espinosa, president of the General Association of Brotherhoods of Cabra, was responsible for opening the event with words of welcome and appreciation, since the show will benefit the Fraternities and Brotherhoods egabrenses, as well prays the poster.

After his speech, the employer took the floor of the arena of the Avenida de la Constitución, Fermín Vioque, which was responsible for introducing the bill, in which rejoneadores Joao Caetano Moura, Sergio Vegas and Javier Cano, the latter brand Contest winner of Rejoneo Atarfe, 6 steers, bulls will cope José Benítez Cubero.

As noted Vioque, schedule a celebration horses has its reason for being, "as 30 km walk is a celebration" in relation to that provided for the same date in Priego, predictably and as announced in its day a succor to the Miura livestock.

Moreover, the businessman lamented the lack of public response to the celebrations held last season, Vioque defined as "totally deficient", hence it would appear that both guilds, such as cooperatives, associations of horses and the rocks bullfighting "will have an advantage", using the occasion to ask for cooperation of all, "because otherwise we can not continue," he said.

the Mayor closed the act egabrense, María Dolores Villatoro, recognizing in regard to the date of the celebration of the feast, that the traditions of the people "can not lose." Also indicated that the Consistory Villatoro, "is making an effort in collaboration with the ownership of the plaza de toros" forward to continue working with the company, ending his words recalling that the success of the plaza de toros de Cabra " depend on the sum of the efforts of all. "