Sunday, March 20, 2011

When Is Mt Period Suppose To Come On



By Florent Marcellesi *, published in The Ecologist, no. 65.

Preserving the planet and ensure environmental and social justice today and tomorrow in both the North and South, should be a priority objective of international cooperation. This article revisits the latter through the prism of 8RS decrease and "re-evaluate, conceptualize, restructure, rearrange, relocate, reduce, reuse, recycle" (Latouche, 2009).

1. Reassessing and reconceptualizing

Despite the existence of 'human development' does not exist in international cooperation and realizing systematic reflection to introduce the ecological crisis, poverty interactions / environment or human rights / environment, vision transgenerational or clear relationship between welfare human health and ecosystems (Marcellesi, Palacios, 2008). Furthermore, in a world marked by the North-South ecological interdependence, the degree of growth that have reached the North, and its current maintenance, would not have been possible without the exploitation of the environment and human resources of the South. Thus, cooperation focused on sustainability and ecological economics based is both an ethical obligation as a real need for the countries of Norte.En this context, international cooperation has to revolve around a "model of contraction and convergence" where all countries will mark a common horizon: a production and material and energy consumption limited to the carrying capacity of the biosphere and per capita distributed fairly. (1) This implies:
A selective decrease in fair (or structural adjustment) of the countries in North and contraction necessary condition but not enough to help in solidarity and sustainable development to the south.
A socio-eco-efficient development for developing countries, convergence, without going through the box of evil "western development but with a growth law where possible and desirable.

2. Restructuring international cooperation

addition to recycling and reusing the North-South cooperation (See point 6), it is important to back the multi-directional cooperation. To colonize, without romanticism, the imaginary cooperating, it is essential to promote a structured way of a new wave of South-North ("reverse") that directly or indirectly made southern populations Northern populations and can provide latter forms relate to each other and their environment.

In this way, are of great interest to the experiences as seed banks in India, sustainable management of common property by indigenous communities, (2) the concepts of "good life" or "de-development" we come from Ecuador, astronomical knowledge, biological and geographical Mexican peasants and agro-ecosystems democratic representation of nature and living things in the indigenous populations of North America. South-North cooperation can take many forms, which remain largely unexplored: seminars, trainings, including organizations within North South representatives with full voting rights, etc.

addition, this restructuring goes through the actual application of the principle of "policy coherence" for all the efforts of a country going in the same direction just and sustainable. Supposed to end the "anticooperación (LLIST, 2009), ie all those actions taken to and from the North whose effects are directly or indirectly harmful to the South. Today, this anticooperación is much higher than the positive effects of cooperation whose real sense, based on an overall positive contribution from North to South (and vice-versa), we have recovered.

3. Ecological debt redistribute

Northern countries have incurred an ecological debt and growth (Mosangini, 2007) with the South which far exceeds the economic debt to pay the South to the North. In addition to the claims classic (the 0.7, the cancellation of external debt), that forces us to reshape the financing of international cooperation through several complementary ways:
not anticooperación investment projects by the North.
20% of Official Development Assistance (ODA) for projects focusing on the ecological crisis.
No investment in projects that do not incorporate in a cross the green factor.
5% of ODA to South-North projects.
The implementation of mechanisms to compensate for the ecological debt of 0.7 different traditional (3).
A budget for North-North oriented 'setting western structural. "

4. Relocation of cooperation: South-South / North / North

South-South cooperation and building suggests a relocation of the processes of (post) development through enhanced cooperation at the regional level, between (ex) autonomous peripheries the (former) center. It is a way to regain the skills and traditional knowledge, and build their own way without interference from the Global North.

For North-North and since the urgency is going through a structural adjustment in industrialized countries, it is necessary to think of A) a reformulation of the "development education" to an "education to live better with less"; B) the cooperative exchange of initiatives such as the transition movement to think about key post-oil.

5 Reduce ecological footprint ... maintaining the HDI

dominates cooperation in the human development index (HDI). Despite being more comprehensive than GDP due to relevant aspects such as education and life expectancy of the population, the HDI is not enough because it does not take into account the ecological problems. Therefore it poses a double challenge: the North are able to maintain a Human Development Index (HDI) of more than 0.8 with an ecological footprint below 2.1 global hectares per capita and the South achieve their HR increase to levels above 0.8 and remain below their ecological footprint of 2.1 gha / hb (4) (see Chart 1).

6 Reuse and recycle the traditional North-South cooperation

Considering the above points mentioned and to allow convergence from the south, it is necessary to integrate into the daily practices of cooperation North-South sustainability, both on a sectoral and horizontal.

From the sector, the implementation of projects, whose main objectives are to combat crisis eco-and mitigation-is emerging as a strategic axis of any international cooperation policy appropriate to the socio-ecological challenges of the XXI century. For these projects gain the prominence they deserve, it is of utmost importance to consider the protection and enhancement of ecosystems, and in a broader ecological distribution conflicts, as an objective in itself for international cooperation.

Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that sustainability horizontally should be included in a comprehensive way in all development projects. It is equally important to the ecology than other classical horizontal issues as gender mainstreaming and human rights. The mainstreaming of sustainability implies that all plans, programs and projects (in all its stages: identification, formulation, implementation and evaluation) take into account some basic concepts and principles: the relationship between human wellbeing and ecosystem services, respect for biophysical limits, regeneration and assimilation capacity of ecosystems, using suitable indicators, environmental impact assessment, etc.

Article based on paper by the same author "International cooperation in the light of the decrease selective and fair" presented at the II International Congress on Decrease in Barcelona 24-26 March 2010. * Florent Marcellesi

is an expert in international cooperation and sustainability, Florent Marcellesi is center coordinator and a member of Bakeaz ecopolitics.

Serge Latouche (2009): Small decrease treaty serene, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bIcaria
Llista David, (2009): Anticooperación. North-South interference: the problems of the Global South will not be solved with more international aid, Icaria, Barcelona
Marcellesi Florent, Igone Palacios (2008): Integration considerations of sustainability in development cooperation, Bakeaz, Bilbao.
Mosangini, Giorgio (2007): Debt growth, on Cooperation Col.lectiu d'Estudis i Desenvolupament.


(1) For example, all people have equal rights to emit CO2 into the planet's absorptive capacity: 0.5 tCO2 per capita annual (total emissions in 1990: 3,350 million tCO2) . However, by way of example, in 2006 the United States issued 19t per capita, a English 8c and a Mozambican only 0.1 t.

(2) See the work of Elinor Ostrom, Nobel laureate in economics in 2009.

(3) Be careful not to be confused with the voluntary compensation of CO2 that can never 'compensate' past emissions (see Marcellesi, Pérez Dueñas (2010): "Think before you make up, little guidance for the voluntary market for emissions", in political ecology, n39)

(4) According to UNDP, a country with "high human development" has to be an HDI greater than 0.8. On the other hand, there are only 2.1 hectares of biologically productive space available per person on Earth. To be more precise, it must also take into account the bio-capacity of each area and region to see if the debtor or ecological creditor. More information: Living Planet Report 2008, WWF.


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